Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 127,821-127,840 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
1278219781315609263Skepticism and Belief in Early Modern England Melissa M. Caldwell 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278229781315753928Food Security, Agricultural Policies and Economic Growth Niek Koning 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278239781315205731Integral Community Enterprise in Africa Anselm Adodo 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278249781315534657The Botanic Garden by Erasmus Darwin Adam Komisaruk 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278259781315570556Buried City, Unearthing Teufelsberg Benedict Anderson 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278269781315522135Time, Globalization and Human Experience Paul Huebener; Susie O'Brien; Tony Porter; Liam Stockdale; Yanqiu Rachel Zhou 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278279780203081754Rethinking the American Labor Movement Elizabeth Faue 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278289781315623313Sport Governance Neil King 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278299781315624402Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy Daniel Turner; Sandro Carnicelli 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278309781315438849The Imperatives of Progressive Islam Adis Duderija; Ebrahim Moosa 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278319781315552620The Socio-Political Practice of Human Rights Kiran Kaur Grewal 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278329781315690537Photography and Doubt Andr‚s Zervig¢n; Sabine T. Kriebel 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278339781315672045Professions and Metaphors Andreas Liljegren; Mike Saks 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278349781315647654Introduction to Vygotsky Harry Daniels 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278359781315686905Essentials of Online Teaching Margaret Foley McCabe; Patricia Gonz lez-Flores 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278369781315594378Meanings and Values of Water in Russian Culture Arja Rosenholm; Jane Costlow 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278379781315559360Fire Safety and Risk Management Revision Guide Jonathan Backhouse; Ed Ferrett 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278389781315618449Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind T. Parent 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278399781315626321Sustainable Growth in the African Economy Jeffrey James 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1278409781315542744Relational Family Therapy Christian Goste?nik 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here