Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 128,201-128,220 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
1282019781315470214Theory and Method of Evolutionary Political Economy Hardy Hanappi; Savvas Katsikides; Manuel Scholz-Wā€˛ckerle 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282029781315707563Financial Stability and Prudential Regulation Alison Lui 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282039781315591780Leadership Explained Nicholas Harkiolakis 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282049781315712673What Did You Do During the War? Richard Griffiths 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282059781315586229Harriet Martineau and the Birth of Disciplines Valerie Sanders; Gaby Weiner 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282069781315724485Place-Based Spaces for Networked Learning Lucila Carvalho; Peter Goodyear; Maarten de Laat 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282079781315170091Teachers? Worlds and Work Christopher Day 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282089781315577807Divine Generosity and Human Creativity David Brown; Christopher Brewer; Robert MacSwain 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282099781315265650Hindu Images and their Worship with special reference to Vaisnavism Julius Lipner 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282109781315639307Property Diversity and its Implications John Page 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282119781315630823Islamic Development in Palestine Stephen Royle 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282129781315628028Modern Foreign Languages 5-11 Jane Jones; Simon Coffey 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282139781315559971The Spirit of the Soil Paul B. Thompson 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282149781315642123Knowledge Production, Area Studies and Global Cooperation Claudia Derichs 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282159781315587295Designing Mobility and Transport Services Mike Tovey; Andree Woodcock; Jane Osmond 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282169781315766256Freedom of Speech in Russia Daphne Skillen 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282179781315612553Dublin?s Bourgeois Homes Susan Galavan 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282189781315713335Environmental Justice and Land Use Conflict Amanda Kennedy 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282199781315652467Women, Work and Care in the Asia-Pacific Marian Baird; Michele Ford; Elizabeth Hill 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1282209781315186252Living in an Age of Mistrust Andrew I. Yeo; Matthew N. Green 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here