Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 128,561-128,580 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
1285619781315639772Re-envisioning the Contemporary Art Canon Ruth Iskin 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285629781315716084Building an Entrepreneurial Organisation Simon Mosey; Hannah Noke; Paul Kirkham 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285639781315625270Contemporary Research in Music Learning Across the Lifespan Jennifer Bugos 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285649781315195506The Elizabethan Secretariat and the Signet Office Angela Andreani 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285659781315645735The Power of Populism Koen Vossen 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285669781315605883Restoration Staging, 1660-74 Tim Keenan 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285679781315666297Facts and Values Sarin Marchetti; Giancarlo Marchetti 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285689781315412214Arab Nationalism Peter Wien 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285699781315756462The Place of the Social Margins, 1350-1750 Andrew Spicer; Jane L. Stevens Crawshaw 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285709781315732237The Politics of Work-Family Policy Reforms in Germany and Italy Agnes Blome 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285719781315621517Michel Foucault Mariana Valverde 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285729781315645889Tax Politics and Policy Michael Thom 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285739781315813738Land Law Rebecca Kelly; Emma Hatfield 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285749781315648897Cost Accounting in Government Zachary Mohr 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285759781315184784Women in the Museum Joan H. Baldwin; Anne W. Ackerson 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285769781315747293Understanding, Evaluating, and Conducting Second Language Writing Research Charlene Polio; Debra Friedman 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285779780203829400Children, Youth and Development Nicola Ansell 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285789781315469850Rural Jail Reentry Kyle Ward 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285799781315271569Iran Anoushiravan Ehteshami 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1285809781315641997Archaeologies of Us and Them Charlotta Hillerdal; Anna Karlstr”m; Carl-G”sta Ojala 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here