Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 128,701-128,720 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
1287019781315735337The Modern Landscapes of Ted Smyth Rod Barnett; Jacqueline Margetts 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287029781315545592Multi-generational Family Therapy Maurizio Andolfi 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287039781315730486Towards a Convergence Between Science and Environmental Education Justin Dillon 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287049781315693613Self-Assembly Lab Skylar Tibbits 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287059781315524290Architecture of Resistance Yara Sharif 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287069781315673462Working with Sex Offenders Daniel Wilcox; Rosie Gray; Marguerite Donathy; Clark Baim 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287079781315537764Selected Letters of Vernon Lee, 1856 - 1935 Amanda Gagel; Sophie Geoffroy 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287089781315456294From iMovie to Final Cut Pro X Tom Wolsky 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287099781315628103Costs of Sprawl Reid Ewing; Shima Hamidi 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287109781315666891A Concise Survey of Music Philosophy Donald A. Hodges 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287119781315683805Prevention in Mental Health Care Dorien Nieman 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287129781315278056Food Security and Social Protection for the Rural Poor in China Ling Zhu 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287139781315676166Architecture and Agriculture Dewey Thorbeck 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287149781315735436Foundations of Corporate Heritage John Balmer 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287159781315460970Conscience and Critic Keith Tudor 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287169781315452418Contacting the Autistic Child Jorge Ahumada; Luisa C. Busch de Ahumada 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287179781315757919Cognition-Based Studies on Chinese Grammar Yulin Yuan; Guoxiang Wu 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287189781315758589Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Conflict Morris Eagle; Christopher Christian; David L Wolitzky 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287199781315762340Art Therapy for Psychosis Katherine Killick 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1287209781315733487North S mi Lily Kahn; Riitta-Liisa Valij„rvi 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here