Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 130,521-130,540 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
1305219781315537801Neoliberalism and Climate Policy in the United States Robert MacNeil 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305229781315559995New Perspectives on Delarivier Manley and Eighteenth Century Literature Aleksondra Hultquist; Elizabeth Mathews 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305239781315182087The Sociology of Postmarxism Richard Howson 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305249781315672182Global Environmental Institutions Elizabeth R. DeSombre 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305259781315169743Uncovering the Territorial Dimension of European Union Cohesion Policy Eduardo Medeiros 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305269781315307275Positive Youth Development in Global Contexts of Social and Economic Change Anne C. Petersen; Frosso Motti-Stefanidi; Silvia H. Koller; Suman Verma 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305279781315568942Children and Everyday Life in the Roman and Late Antique World Christian Laes; Ville Vuolanto 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305289781315646695The Grammar of Japanese Mimetics Noriko Iwasaki; Kimi Akita; Peter Sells 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305299781315641348Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Cathy Little 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305309781315646152Maritime Clusters and the Ocean Economy Peter B. Myles 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305319781315572437Clipped Wings Deborah Ancell 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305329781315303994Celebrity in Chief Kenneth T. Walsh 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305339781315695570Tackling Misconceptions in Primary Mathematics Kieran Mackle 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305349781315681207Managing Culture and Interspace in Cross-border Investments Martina Fuchs; Sebastian Henn; Martin Franz; Ram Mudambi 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305359781315543161Water, Knowledge and the Environment in Asia Ravi Baghel; Lea Stepan; Joseph K.W. Hill 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305369781315469737Climate Change and Food Security Elizabeth Thomas Hope 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305379781315708881Real-World Media Ethics Philippe Perebinossoff 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305389781315696089Aesthetic Disinterestedness Thomas Hilgers 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305399781315659558Migration and Agriculture Alessandra Corrado; Domenico Perrotta; Carlos de Castro 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here
1305409781315619613Return Migration and Psychosocial Wellbeing Zana Vathi; Russell King 2017Taylor and FrancisClick Here