Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 28,581-28,600 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
28581978-981-10-3009-3Equity Valuation and Negative EarningsAna Paula Matias Gama, Liliane Cristina Segura, Marco Antonio Figueiredo Milani Filho2017SpringerClick Here
28582978-3-319-51382-9Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2017Shadia Ikhmayies, Bowen Li, John S. Carpenter, JIan Li, Jiann-Yang Hwang, Sergio Neves Monteiro, Donato Firrao, Mingming Zhang, Zhiwei Peng, Juan P. Escobedo-Diaz, Chenguang Bai, Yunus Eren Kalay, Ramasis Goswami, Jeongguk Kim2017SpringerClick Here
28583978-3-319-62616-1History, Philosophy and Science TeachingMichael R. Matthews2018SpringerClick Here
28584978-3-319-26118-8Switching on Plant Innate Immunity Signaling SystemsP. Vidhyasekaran2016SpringerClick Here
28585978-3-319-29449-0Fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry of the AtmosphereGuido Visconti2016SpringerClick Here
28586978-3-319-25445-6Nile Waters, Saharan SandsMartin Williams2016SpringerClick Here
28587978-3-662-48490-6The Quintessence of Strategic ManagementPhilip Kotler, Roland Berger, Nils Bickhoff2016SpringerClick Here
28588978-981-10-0737-8China's Energy Efficiency and ConservationBin Su, Elspeth Thomson2016SpringerClick Here
28589978-3-662-49668-8JIMD Reports, Volume 25Eva Morava, Matthias Baumgartner, Marc Patterson, Shamima Rahman, Johannes Zschocke, Verena Peters2016SpringerClick Here
28590978-94-017-9786-3Spatial Diversity and Dynamics in Resources and Urban DevelopmentAshok K. Dutt, Allen G. Noble, Frank J. Costa, Rajiv R. Thakur, Sudhir K. Thakur2016SpringerClick Here
28591978-3-319-49340-4Handbook of Big Data TechnologiesAlbert Y. Zomaya, Sherif Sakr2017SpringerClick Here
28592978-3-662-49283-3Computer Engineering and TechnologyWeixia Xu, Liquan Xiao, Jinwen Li, Chengyi Zhang2016SpringerClick Here
28593978-3-319-52818-2Publics, Elites and Constitutional Change in the UKDaniel Kenealy, Jan Eichhorn, Richard Parry, Lindsay Paterson, Alexandra Remond2017SpringerClick Here
28594978-3-319-17695-6Gauge Invariance and Weyl-polymer QuantizationFranco Strocchi2016SpringerClick Here
28595978-1-4842-2114-3Typed PHPChristopher Pitt2016SpringerClick Here
28596978-981-10-1575-5Physical Layer Security in Random Cellular NetworksHui-Ming Wang, Tong-Xing Zheng2016SpringerClick Here
28597978-3-319-50207-6Effects of Nanoconfinement on CatalysisRinaldo Poli2017SpringerClick Here
28598978-981-287-676-8Multiculturalism, Migration, and the Politics of Identity in SingaporeKwen Fee Lian2016SpringerClick Here
28599978-1-4842-1730-6Learn PHP 7Steve Prettyman2016SpringerClick Here
28600978-981-10-0434-6Validating Technological InnovationDavid Coniam, Peter Falvey2016SpringerClick Here