Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 28,641-28,660 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
28641978-3-319-42102-5Socially Aware Organisations and Technologies. Impact and ChallengesMaria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas, Kecheng Liu, Lily Sun, VĂ¢nia Paula de Almeida Neris, Rodrigo Bonacin, Keiichi Nakata2016SpringerClick Here
28642978-3-319-28410-1The "Dematerialized" InsurancePierpaolo Marano, Ioannis Rokas, Peter Kochenburger2016SpringerClick Here
28643978-3-319-43729-3Advances in Understanding Kingella kingaeJoseph W. St. Geme, III2016SpringerClick Here
28644978-3-319-49896-6A Study of Professional SkepticismCarmen Olsen2017SpringerClick Here
28645978-3-319-49704-4A Clinical Guide to Pediatric HIVTiffany Chenneville2016SpringerClick Here
28646978-3-319-32616-0Alfred Tarski and the "Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages"Monika Gruber2016SpringerClick Here
28647978-3-319-47895-1Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher EducationWalter Leal Filho, Mark Mifsud, Chris Shiel, Rudi Pretorius2017SpringerClick Here
28648978-981-10-2893-9Hurricane Monitoring With Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture RadarXiaofeng Li2017SpringerClick Here
28649978-3-319-28593-1Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus ApproachHiroshan Hettiarachchi, Reza Ardakanian2016SpringerClick Here
28650978-3-319-41598-7Random Measures, Theory and ApplicationsOlav Kallenberg2017SpringerClick Here
28651978-3-319-46718-4Antimicrobial Drug ResistanceDouglas L. Mayers, Jack D. Sobel, Marc Ouellette, Keith S. Kaye, Dror Marchaim2017SpringerClick Here
28652978-3-319-55926-1Innovation, Governance and Entrepreneurship: How Do They Evolve in Middle Income Countries?Sefer Sener, Stefan Schepers2017SpringerClick Here
28653978-3-319-60528-9Interviewing for Language ProficiencySteven J. Ross2017SpringerClick Here
28654978-3-319-58589-5Emerging Challenges in Business, Optimization, Technology, and IndustryLotfi Tadj, Ajay K. Garg2018SpringerClick Here
28655978-3-319-53186-1Manipulation of Allelopathic Crops for Weed ControlKhawar Jabran2017SpringerClick Here
28656978-3-319-17885-1Encyclopedia of GISShashi Shekhar, Hui Xiong, Xun Zhou2017SpringerClick Here
28657978-1-4899-7681-9Fundamentals of Cheese SciencePatrick F. Fox, Timothy P. Guinee, Timothy M. Cogan, Paul L. H. McSweeney2017SpringerClick Here
28658978-4-431-56442-3Land Use Management in Disaster Risk ReductionMichiko Banba, Rajib Shaw2017SpringerClick Here
28659978-3-319-45193-0Philosophy and EngineeringDiane P. Michelfelder, Byron Newberry, Qin Zhu2017SpringerClick Here
28660978-1-4842-1278-3Beginning RubyPeter Cooper2016SpringerClick Here