Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 28,721-28,740 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
28721978-1-4939-1516-3Technical Aspects of Toxicological ImmunohistochemistrySyed A. Aziz, Rekha Mehta2016SpringerClick Here
28722978-3-319-53412-1Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their ApplicationsFelipe Fernandes Fanchini, Diogo de Oliveira Soares Pinto, Gerardo Adesso2017SpringerClick Here
28723978-3-319-38919-6Green Economy ReaderStanislav Shmelev2017SpringerClick Here
28724978-3-319-47868-5Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher Education Walter Leal Filho, Luciana Brandli, Paula Castro, Julie Newman2017SpringerClick Here
28725978-3-319-28842-0Indicators of Quality of Life in Latin AmericaGraciela Tonon2016SpringerClick Here
28726978-3-319-40186-7The Pillars of the Italian EconomyMarco Fortis2016SpringerClick Here
28727978-3-319-49631-3Computational Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and ApplicationsMariano Mateos, Pedro Alonso2017SpringerClick Here
28728978-3-319-52739-0Organic-Inorganic Composite Polymer Electrolyte MembranesDr Inamuddin, Ali Mohammad, Abdullah M. Asiri2017SpringerClick Here
28729978-981-10-2056-8Discriminative Learning in BiometricsDavid Zhang, Yong Xu, Wangmeng Zuo2016SpringerClick Here
28730978-3-319-47250-8How Digital Communication Technology Shapes MarketsSwati Bhatt2017SpringerClick Here
28731978-3-319-48908-7Digital Technology as Affordance and Barrier in Higher EducationMaura A. Smale, Mariana Regalado2017SpringerClick Here
28732978-3-319-45758-1Wave Motion as InquiryFernando Espinoza2017SpringerClick Here
28733978-3-319-33536-0Spin and Charge Ordering in the Quantum Hall RegimeBenedikt Frieß2016SpringerClick Here
28734978-3-319-32404-3Common Good PoliticsColin Tyler2017SpringerClick Here
28735978-3-319-52878-6The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change ThinkersDavid B. Szabla, William A. Pasmore, Mary A. Barnes, Asha N. Gipson2017SpringerClick Here
28736978-81-322-2782-3Recent Trends in Antifungal Agents and Antifungal TherapyAmit Basak, Ranadhir Chakraborty, Santi M. Mandal2016SpringerClick Here
28737978-3-319-57805-7Recent Developments in Fractals and Related FieldsJulien Barral, Stéphane Seuret2017SpringerClick Here
28738978-3-319-45654-6Exploiting Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs in Large OrganisationsJeff Z. Pan, Guido Vetere, Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Honghan Wu2017SpringerClick Here
28739978-3-319-33226-0Cardiovascular System, Red Blood Cells, and Oxygen Transport in MicrogravityHanns-Christian Gunga, Victoria Weller von Ahlefeld, Hans-Joachim Appell Coriolano, Andreas Werner, Uwe Hoffmann2016SpringerClick Here
28740978-3-319-53351-3Business Model InnovationDaniela Andreini, Cristina Bettinelli2017SpringerClick Here