Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 29,521-29,540 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
29521978-3-319-46601-93rd International Multidisciplinary Microscopy and Microanalysis Congress (InterM)Ahmet Yavuz Oral, Zehra Banu Bahsi Oral2017SpringerClick Here
29522978-94-6300-546-3Educational Technology and Pedagogic EncountersYusef Waghid2016SpringerClick Here
29523978-981-10-2437-5Religion, Culture, and the Public Sphere in China and JapanAlbert Welter, Jeffrey Newmark2017SpringerClick Here
29524978-3-319-27407-2Bioluminescence: Fundamentals and Applications in Biotechnology - Volume 3Gérald Thouand, Robert Marks2016SpringerClick Here
29525978-3-319-51850-3The Origins of Asset Management from 1700 to 1960Nigel Edward Morecroft2017SpringerClick Here
29526978-3-319-33015-0Geoheritage of Volcanic Harrats in Saudi ArabiaMohammed Rashad Moufti, Károly Németh2016SpringerClick Here
29527978-3-319-52575-4Perpetrators in Holocaust NarrativesJoanne Pettitt2017SpringerClick Here
29528978-3-319-52431-3Progress in Photon ScienceKaoru Yamanouchi2017SpringerClick Here
29529978-3-319-52488-7Religious Beliefs, Evolutionary Psychiatry, and Mental Health in AmericaKevin J. Flannelly2017SpringerClick Here
29530978-3-319-52132-9Proceedings of the 3rd Pan American Materials CongressMarc André Meyers, Hector Alfredo Calderon Benavides, Sonia P Brühl, Henry A Colorado, Elvi Dalgaard, Carlos Nelson Elias, Roberto B Figueiredo, Omar Garcia-Rincon, Megumi Kawasaki, Terence G. Langdon, R.V. Mangalaraja, Mery Cecilia Gomez Marroquin, Adriana da Cunha Rocha, Julie M Schoenung, Andre Costa e Silva, Mary Wells, Wen Yang2017SpringerClick Here
29531978-3-319-50630-2Minority Rights and the National Question in NigeriaUyilawa Usuanlele, Bonny Ibhawoh2017SpringerClick Here
29532978-3-319-20630-1Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Modern PhysicsCarlo Maria Becchi, Massimo D'Elia2016SpringerClick Here
29533978-1-4842-1314-8Beginning Hybrid Mobile Application DevelopmentMahesh Panhale2016SpringerClick Here
29534978-3-319-26425-7Net Neutrality CompendiumLuca Belli, Primavera De Filippi2016SpringerClick Here
29535978-3-319-32443-2The Practical Import of Political InquiryBrian Caterino2016SpringerClick Here
29536978-1-4939-3243-6America’s Most Sustainable Cities and RegionsJohn W. Day, Charles Hall2016SpringerClick Here
29537978-3-319-40136-2Systemic Vasculitides: Current Status and PerspectivesFranco Dammacco, Domenico Ribatti, Angelo Vacca2016SpringerClick Here
29538978-3-319-62172-2Nineteenth-Century Individualism and the Market EconomyLuke Philip Plotica2018SpringerClick Here
29539978-3-319-58154-5An Overview of the SIGMA Research ProjectAlain Pecker, Ezio Faccioli, Aybars Gurpinar, Christophe Martin, Philippe Renault2017SpringerClick Here
29540978-981-10-2428-3Container Port Production and ManagementBo Lu, Shouyang Wang2017SpringerClick Here