Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 29,561-29,580 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
29561978-981-10-3566-1Selected Papers from the Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance (APEF 2016)Evan Lau, Lee Ming Tan, Jing Hee Tan2017SpringerClick Here
29562978-1-4842-1814-3Options and Derivatives Programming in C++CARLOS OLIVEIRA2016SpringerClick Here
29563978-3-319-43558-9Poetics of ProseMark Axelrod2016SpringerClick Here
29564978-3-319-22596-8Business Challenges in the Changing Economic Landscape - Vol. 1Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can2016SpringerClick Here
29565978-3-319-07052-0Handbook of Science and Technology ConvergenceWilliam Sims Bainbridge, Mihail C. Roco2016SpringerClick Here
29566978-3-319-44929-6Normative and Pragmatic Dimensions of Genetic CounselingJoseph B. Fanning2016SpringerClick Here
29567978-3-319-54588-2Rapidly Changing Securities MarketsRobert A. Schwartz, John Aidan Byrne, Eileen Stempel2017SpringerClick Here
29568978-3-319-42096-7Defensive (anti-herbivory) Coloration in Land PlantsSimcha Lev-Yadun2016SpringerClick Here
29569978-981-10-3650-7ICIPEG 2016Mariyamni Awang, Berihun Mamo Negash, Nur Asyraf Md Akhir, Luluan Almanna Lubis, Abdul Ghani Md. Rafek2017SpringerClick Here
29570978-1-4842-2187-7Lumen Programming GuidePaul Redmond2016SpringerClick Here
29571978-3-319-57373-1Political Marketing and Management in GhanaKobby Mensah2017SpringerClick Here
29572978-3-319-65457-7Sustainable Jute-Based Composite MaterialsAbdul Jabbar2017SpringerClick Here
29573978-3-319-28835-2Islamic Finance and Africa's Economic ResurgenceMuhammad Al Bashir Muhammad Al Amine2016SpringerClick Here
29574978-3-319-57003-7Polymer-Engineered Nanostructures for Advanced Energy ApplicationsZhiqun Lin, Yingkui Yang, Aiqing Zhang2017SpringerClick Here
29575978-1-4939-3277-1Effect of Spaceflight and Spaceflight Analogue Culture on Human and Microbial CellsCheryl A. Nickerson, Neal R. Pellis, C. Mark Ott2016SpringerClick Here
29576978-3-319-26751-7Cyanobacteria for Bioremediation of WastewatersInga Zinicovscaia, Liliana Cepoi2016SpringerClick Here
29577978-3-319-29971-6Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and ApplicationsJosé Braz, Julien Pettré, Paul Richard, Andreas Kerren, Lars Linsen, Sebastiano Battiato, Francisco Imai2016SpringerClick Here
29578978-3-319-45626-3Value-ologySimon Kelly, Paul Johnston, Stacey Danheiser2017SpringerClick Here
29579978-3-319-52545-7On the Economic Significance of the Catholic Social DoctrineJÜRGEN BACKHAUS, GÜNTHER CHALOUPEK, HANS A. FRAMBACH2017SpringerClick Here
29580978-3-319-28338-8Elementary Processes in Organic PhotovoltaicsKarl Leo2017SpringerClick Here