Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 30,901-30,920 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
30901978-3-319-50530-5Consumer Perception of Product Risks and BenefitsGerard Emilien, Rolf Weitkunat, Frank Lüdicke2017SpringerClick Here
30902978-3-319-48547-8Paradigms and Theories Influencing Policies in the South African and International Water SectorsRichard Meissner2017SpringerClick Here
30903978-3-319-57711-1Advances in Artificial Life, Evolutionary Computation, and Systems ChemistryFederico Rossi, Stefano Piotto, Simona Concilio2017SpringerClick Here
30904978-3-319-45348-4Business Process ManagementMarcello La Rosa, Peter Loos, Oscar Pastor2016SpringerClick Here
30905978-3-319-23156-3Fundamental Labour Rights in China - Legal Implementation and Cultural LogicUlla Liukkunen, Yifeng Chen2016SpringerClick Here
30906978-3-662-49768-5Recueil de Modèles AléatoiresDjalil Chafaï, Florent Malrieu2016SpringerClick Here
30907978-94-024-1063-1Modality in ArgumentationAndrea Rocci2017SpringerClick Here
30908978-981-10-2917-2Sustainable Management of LuxuryMiguel Angel Gardetti2017SpringerClick Here
30909978-3-319-60291-2New Perspectives in End-User DevelopmentFabio Paternò, Volker Wulf2017SpringerClick Here
30910978-3-319-59165-0Safety, Ethics and RegulationsPhuc Van Pham, Achim Rosemann2017SpringerClick Here
30911978-3-319-53160-1Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental ShelfGeoffrey N. Bailey, Jan Harff, Dimitris Sakellariou2017SpringerClick Here
30912978-3-319-56047-2Crisis of Legitimacy and Political Violence in Uganda, 1979 to 2016Ogenga Otunnu2017SpringerClick Here
30913978-3-319-55005-3Heterodox Investment TheoryThomas Pistorius2017SpringerClick Here
30914978-3-319-39682-8Paste Tailings ManagementErol Yilmaz, Mamadou Fall2017SpringerClick Here
30915978-981-287-308-8Feasibility Model of Solar Energy Plants by ANN and MCDM TechniquesMrinmoy Majumder, Apu K. Saha2016SpringerClick Here
30916978-3-319-46454-1Computer Vision – ECCV 2016Bastian Leibe, Jiri Matas, Nicu Sebe, Max Welling2016SpringerClick Here
30917978-981-10-4175-4The Cost of Development in ChinaGuangyu Hu2017SpringerClick Here
30918978-94-024-0917-8Mobile Media, Political Participation, and Civic Activism in AsiaRan Wei2016SpringerClick Here
30919978-3-319-46661-3Evolution of the Vertebrate Ear Jennifer A. Clack, Richard R Fay, Arthur N. Popper2016SpringerClick Here
30920978-3-319-33628-2Land Use CompetitionJörg Niewöhner, Antje Bruns, Patrick Hostert, Tobias Krueger, Jonas Ø. Nielsen, Helmut Haberl, Christian Lauk, Juliana Lutz, Daniel Müller2016SpringerClick Here