Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 30,981-31,000 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
30981978-3-319-56218-6New Advanced GNSS and 3D Spatial TechniquesRaffaela Cefalo, Janusz B. Zieliński, Maurizio Barbarella2018SpringerClick Here
30982978-3-319-42274-9Mapping Sustainability TransitionsGerardo Marletto, Simone Franceschini, Chiara Ortolani, Cécile Sillig2016SpringerClick Here
30983978-3-319-41546-8Breast ImagingAnders Tingberg, Kristina Lång, Pontus Timberg2016SpringerClick Here
30984978-3-319-28991-5Post-Agreement Northern Irish LiteratureBirte Heidemann2016SpringerClick Here
30985978-3-319-24963-6Transition Metal Catalyzed Carbonylative Synthesis of HeterocyclesXiao-Feng Wu, Matthias Beller2016SpringerClick Here
30986978-3-319-59100-1Future Directions in Metalloprotein and Metalloenzyme ResearchGraeme Hanson, Lawrence Berliner2017SpringerClick Here
30987978-94-024-1120-1Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the World - Africa Volume 3Mohamed Neffati, Hanen Najjaa, Ákos Máthé2017SpringerClick Here
30988978-981-10-0797-2Refractive Indices of SolidsStepan S. Batsanov, Evgeny D. Ruchkin, Inga A. Poroshina2016SpringerClick Here
30989978-3-319-11800-0Landscapes and Landforms of ColombiaMichel Hermelin2016SpringerClick Here
30990978-981-10-2738-3Security in Computing and CommunicationsPeter Mueller, Sabu M. Thampi, Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan, Ryan Ko, Robin Doss, Jose M. Alcaraz Calero2016SpringerClick Here
30991978-3-319-54984-2Carbon Footprint and the Industrial Life CycleRoberto Álvarez Fernández, Sergio Zubelzu, Rodrigo Martínez2017SpringerClick Here
30992978-3-319-60061-1Turkish Contract Lawİlhan Helvacı2017SpringerClick Here
30993978-1-4939-4038-7The Arc of LifeGrazyna Jasienska, Diana S. Sherry, Donna J. Holmes2017SpringerClick Here
30994978-3-319-61982-8High Performance Computing for Computational Science – VECPAR 2016Inês Dutra, Rui Camacho, Jorge Barbosa, Osni Marques2017SpringerClick Here
30995978-981-10-3972-0Embassies to China Michael Keevak2017SpringerClick Here
30996978-3-319-31262-0Writing Future WorldsUlf Hannerz2016SpringerClick Here
30997978-3-319-26734-0Engaging Stakeholders in Education for Sustainable Development at University LevelWalter Leal Filho, Luciana Brandli2016SpringerClick Here
30998978-3-319-54322-2The Aesthetics of DressIan King2017SpringerClick Here
30999978-981-10-2803-8Graphene-Carbon Nanotube Hybrids for Energy and Environmental ApplicationsWei Fan, Longsheng Zhang, Tianxi Liu2017SpringerClick Here
31000978-3-319-22219-6Peer Interactions in New Content and Language Integrated SettingsNathan J. Devos2016SpringerClick Here