Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 32,161-32,180 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
32161978-1-4842-2632-2Building Arduino PLCsPradeeka Seneviratne2017SpringerClick Here
32162978-981-10-1977-7American History, Race and the Struggle for EqualityMasaki Kawashima2017SpringerClick Here
32163978-94-6265-099-2Foreign Fighters under International Law and BeyondAndrea De Guttry, Francesca Capone, Christophe Paulussen2016SpringerClick Here
32164978-3-319-59141-4After-School Programs to Promote Positive Youth DevelopmentNancy L. Deutsch2017SpringerClick Here
32165978-3-319-44751-3Very-high-energy Gamma-ray Observations of Pulsar Wind Nebulae and Cataclysmic Variable Stars with MAGIC and Development of Trigger Systems for IACTsRubén López Coto2017SpringerClick Here
32166978-3-662-49349-6Statistics for Non-StatisticiansBirger Stjernholm Madsen2016SpringerClick Here
32167978-3-319-42960-1Re-Constructing the Man of SteelMartin Lund2016SpringerClick Here
32168978-3-319-26161-4Naturalists, Explorers and Field Scientists in South-East Asia and AustralasiaIndraneil Das, Andrew Alek Tuen2016SpringerClick Here
32169978-3-319-40995-5The Bioarchaeology of Socio-Sexual LivesPamela L. Geller2017SpringerClick Here
32170978-3-319-40189-8Pursuit of the UniversalArnold Beckmann, Laurent Bienvenu, Nataša Jonoska2016SpringerClick Here
32171978-3-319-41492-8Social Network Analysis in Predictive PolicingMohammad A. Tayebi, Uwe Glässer2016SpringerClick Here
32172978-94-6239-219-9Advances in Irish Quaternary StudiesPeter Coxon, Stephen McCarron, Fraser Mitchell2017SpringerClick Here
32173978-3-658-13296-5Policy Frames on Spousal Migration in GermanyLaura Block2016SpringerClick Here
32174978-981-10-2772-7Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS 2015)Abd-Razak Ahmad, Liew Kee Kor, Illiasaak Ahmad, Zanariah Idrus2017SpringerClick Here
32175978-3-319-43385-1Exploration and Production of Oceanic Natural Gas HydrateMichael D. Max, Arthur H. Johnson2016SpringerClick Here
32176978-3-662-48107-3TRIPS plus 20Hanns Ullrich, Reto M. Hilty, Matthias Lamping, Josef Drexl2016SpringerClick Here
32177978-3-319-43685-2The Evolution of ConsciousnessBjørn Grinde2016SpringerClick Here
32178978-3-319-48360-3Cancer Biomarkers in Body FluidsGabriel D. Dakubo2017SpringerClick Here
32179978-3-319-30394-9Brazilian Beach SystemsAndrew D. Short, Antonio Henrique da F. Klein2016SpringerClick Here
32180978-3-319-46966-9A Novel SOFC Tri-generation System for Building ApplicationsTheo Elmer2017SpringerClick Here