Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 32,101-32,120 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
32101978-3-662-49078-5Boundaries of a Complex WorldAndrei Ludu2016SpringerClick Here
32102978-3-658-13561-4 Identity-Based Brand ManagementChristoph Burmann, Nicola-Maria Riley, Tilo Halaszovich, Michael Schade2017SpringerClick Here
32103978-3-319-49887-4Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations: Algorithms and Applications Michele Benzi, Dario Bini, Daniel Kressner, Hans Munthe-Kaas, Charles Van Loan, Michele Benzi, Valeria Simoncini2016SpringerClick Here
32104978-3-319-06520-5Big Data and Learning Analytics in Higher EducationBen Kei Daniel2017SpringerClick Here
32105978-3-319-52417-7Endangered Forested Wetlands of SundalandGianluca Polgar, Zeehan Jaafar2018SpringerClick Here
32106978-3-319-51969-2Internet of Vehicles – Technologies and ServicesChing-Hsien Hsu, Shangguang Wang, Ao Zhou, Ali Shawkat2016SpringerClick Here
32107978-3-319-47754-1Modelling the Toxicity of NanoparticlesLang Tran, Miguel A. Bañares, Robert Rallo2017SpringerClick Here
32108978-3-662-49680-0Polycyclic Aromatic HydrocarbonsHuizhong Shen2016SpringerClick Here
32109978-3-319-33183-6A History of British Actuarial ThoughtCraig Turnbull2017SpringerClick Here
32110978-3-319-56962-8Computational GeotechnicsThomas Nagel, Norbert Böttcher, Uwe-Jens Görke, Olaf Kolditz2017SpringerClick Here
32111978-1-4842-2863-0Learn FileMaker Pro 16Mark Conway Munro2017SpringerClick Here
32112978-3-319-27886-5Modification of Magnetic Properties of Iron Clusters by Doping and AdsorptionGennady L. Gutsev, Kalayu G. Belay, Lavrenty G. Gutsev, Charles A. Weatherford2016SpringerClick Here
32113978-981-10-0615-9Economic Miracle Market South KoreaDieter K. Schneidewind2016SpringerClick Here
32114978-3-319-46657-6Samuel Pepys, Isaac Newton, James Hodgson, and the Beginnings of Secondary School MathematicsNerida F. Ellerton, M. A. (Ken) Clements2017SpringerClick Here
32115978-3-319-19309-0Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space EnvironmentJacob Kleiman2017SpringerClick Here
32116978-981-10-0713-2Prelinguistic and Minimally Verbal Communicators on the Autism SpectrumDeb Keen, Hedda Meadan, Nancy C. Brady, James W. Halle2016SpringerClick Here
32117978-3-319-41127-9Classical and Quantum CosmologyGianluca Calcagni2017SpringerClick Here
32118978-3-662-49462-2Optimization of Solid Waste Conversion Process and Risk Control of Groundwater PollutionBeidou Xi, Yonghai Jiang, Mingxiao Li, Yu Yang, Caihong Huang2016SpringerClick Here
32119978-94-6300-567-8Re-Telling Our StoriesGresilda A Tilley-Lubbs, Silvia Bénard Calva2016SpringerClick Here
32120978-3-319-23174-7Making Effective Presentations at Professional ConferencesMary Renck Jalongo, Crystal Machado2016SpringerClick Here