Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 32,541-32,560 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
32541978-3-7091-1157-4Magnetic Resonance of Semiconductors and Their NanostructuresPavel G. Baranov, Hans Jürgen von Bardeleben, Fedor Jelezko, Jörg Wrachtrup2017SpringerClick Here
32542978-3-319-29037-9Quantum OpticsMiguel Orszag2016SpringerClick Here
32543978-3-319-27158-3Compatibility of Transactional Resolutions of Antitrust Proceedings with Due Process and Fundamental Rights & Online Exhaustion of IP RightsBruce Kilpatrick, Pierre Kobel, Pranvera Këllezi2016SpringerClick Here
32544978-3-319-47779-4Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory Hussein Mourtada, Celal Cem Sarıoğlu, Christophe Soulé, Ayberk Zeytin2017SpringerClick Here
32545978-3-319-45174-9Machine Learning and Interpretation in NeuroimagingIrina Rish, Georg Langs, Leila Wehbe, Guillermo Cecchi, Kai-min Kevin Chang, Brian Murphy2016SpringerClick Here
32546978-3-319-23027-6A Decade of Research on School PrincipalsHelene Ärlestig, Christopher Day, Olof Johansson2016SpringerClick Here
32547978-3-319-42836-9Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and ApplicationsQing Yang, Wei Yu, Yacine Challal2016SpringerClick Here
32548978-3-319-38869-4Mathematical Modeling and Computational Intelligence in Engineering ApplicationsAntônio José da Silva Neto, Orestes Llanes Santiago, Geraldo Nunes Silva2016SpringerClick Here
32549978-1-4842-1446-6DevOps on the Microsoft StackWouter de Kort2016SpringerClick Here
32550978-3-319-50365-3Renewable Energy ClustersGudrun Jaegersberg, Jenny Ure2017SpringerClick Here
32551978-981-10-3924-9Classroom Writing Assessment and Feedback in L2 School ContextsIcy Lee2017SpringerClick Here
32552978-3-319-43976-1Applied Investment TheoryLes Coleman2016SpringerClick Here
32553978-3-319-60964-5Medical Image Understanding and AnalysisMaría Valdés Hernández, Víctor González-Castro2017SpringerClick Here
32554978-1-4842-2568-4Business Intelligence Tools for Small CompaniesAlbert Nogués, Juan Valladares2017SpringerClick Here
32555978-3-319-34117-0Pride and AuthenticityUlrich Steinvorth2016SpringerClick Here
32556978-3-319-54427-4Computer Vision – ACCV 2016 WorkshopsChu-Song Chen, Jiwen Lu, Kai-Kuang Ma2017SpringerClick Here
32557978-3-319-26574-2Transformation of the natural environment in Western Sørkapp Land (Spitsbergen) since the 1980sWiesław Ziaja2016SpringerClick Here
32558978-3-319-24880-6Transport Processes in Space Physics and Astrophysics Alexander Dosch, Gary P. Zank2016SpringerClick Here
32559978-3-319-23953-8Dynamics of a Quantum Spin LiquidJohannes Knolle2016SpringerClick Here
32560978-981-10-2881-6Patterns and Development in the English Clause SystemClarence Green2017SpringerClick Here