Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 32,621-32,640 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
32621978-3-662-54350-4A Dirty WindowLoris Magnani, Steven N. Shore2017SpringerClick Here
32622978-3-319-31964-3Genomic Architecture of Schizophrenia Across Diverse Genetic IsolatesKazima Bulayeva, Oleg Bulayev, Stephen Glatt2016SpringerClick Here
32623978-3-319-44058-3Economics with Heterogeneous Interacting AgentsAlessandro Caiani, Alberto Russo, Antonio Palestrini, Mauro Gallegati2016SpringerClick Here
32624978-981-10-4151-8Teacher Empowerment Toward Professional Development and PracticesIsmail Hussein Amzat, Nena P. Valdez2017SpringerClick Here
32625978-3-319-40848-4Translational Research in Audiology, Neurotology, and the Hearing SciencesColleen G. Le Prell, Edward Lobarinas, Arthur N. Popper, Richard R. Fay2016SpringerClick Here
32626978-94-024-1011-2Mapping Across AcademiaStanley D. Brunn, Martin Dodge2017SpringerClick Here
32627978-3-319-48329-0A Course in Classical Physics 4 - Waves and LightAlessandro Bettini2017SpringerClick Here
32628978-3-662-55386-2Logic, Language, Information, and ComputationJuliette Kennedy, Ruy J.G.B. de Queiroz2017SpringerClick Here
32629978-1-4939-6942-5Free Probability and Random MatricesJames A. Mingo, Roland Speicher2017SpringerClick Here
32630978-3-319-55637-6A Sustainable BioeconomyMika Sillanpää, Chaker Ncibi2017SpringerClick Here
32631978-3-319-52727-7Interoperability, Safety and Security in IoTNathalie Mitton, Hakima Chaouchi, Thomas Noel, Thomas Watteyne, Alban Gabillon, Patrick Capolsini2017SpringerClick Here
32632978-3-319-33239-0The Eurasian Wheat Belt and Food SecuritySergio Gomez y Paloma, Sébastien Mary, Stephen Langrell, Pavel Ciaian2017SpringerClick Here
32633978-3-319-28056-1Sir Peter Hall: Pioneer in Regional Planning, Transport and Urban GeographyRichard D. Knowles, Céline Rozenblat2016SpringerClick Here
32634978-3-319-39720-7Excel 2016 for Educational and Psychological StatisticsThomas J. Quirk2016SpringerClick Here
32635978-81-322-2737-3Managing the Reality of Virtual OrganizationsSandhya Shekhar2016SpringerClick Here
32636978-3-319-42508-5International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2016Harald Ginzky, Irene L. Heuser, Tianbao Qin, Oliver C. Ruppel, Patrick Wegerdt2017SpringerClick Here
32637978-3-319-30222-5E-Business and TelecommunicationsMohammad S. Obaidat, Pascal Lorenz2016SpringerClick Here
32638978-3-319-61914-9Facing the Challenges in Structural EngineeringHugo Rodrigues, Amr Elnashai, Gian Michele Calvi2018SpringerClick Here
32639978-3-319-43289-2Security and Bilateral Issues between Iran and its Arab Neighbours Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Neil Quilliam, Gawdat Bahgat2017SpringerClick Here
32640978-3-319-44534-2Systems Pharmacology and PharmacodynamicsDonald E. Mager, Holly H.C. Kimko2016SpringerClick Here