Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 33,781-33,800 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
33781978-3-319-39516-6Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and TechniquesMasaaki Kurosu2016SpringerClick Here
33782978-3-319-46437-4Dopamine and SleepJaime M. Monti, S. R. Pandi-Perumal, S. Chokroverty2016SpringerClick Here
33783978-1-4842-2071-9Pro SQL Server Always On Availability GroupsUttam Parui, Vivek Sanil2016SpringerClick Here
33784978-3-319-55675-8Memory and Confession in Middle English LiteratureKisha G. Tracy2017SpringerClick Here
33785978-3-658-16255-9The Relationship of Leadership and Innovation in Family BusinessesSwen Nadkarni2017SpringerClick Here
33786978-1-4842-2532-5Beginning Oracle WebCenter Portal 12cVinay Kumar, Daniel Merchán García2017SpringerClick Here
33787978-94-017-7558-8Emerging Issues in Prison HealthBernice S. Elger, Catherine Ritter, Heino Stöver2017SpringerClick Here
33788978-3-319-32426-5The Fractal Dimension of ArchitectureMichael J. Ostwald, Josephine Vaughan2016SpringerClick Here
33789978-3-319-22963-8Learning Technologies and GlobalizationNada Dabbagh, Angela D. Benson, André Denham, Roberto Joseph, Maha Al-Freih, Ghania Zgheib, Helen Fake, Zhetao Guo2016SpringerClick Here
33790978-3-319-29354-7Programming Machine EthicsLuís Moniz Pereira, Ari Saptawijaya2016SpringerClick Here
33791978-3-319-27356-3Nutrition and the Welfare of Farm AnimalsClive J. C. Phillips2016SpringerClick Here
33792978-3-319-27793-6Crime Prevention in the 21st CenturyBenoit LeClerc, Ernesto U. Savona2017SpringerClick Here
33793978-3-319-62392-4Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2017Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Misra, Giuseppe Borruso, Carmelo M. Torre, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, Elena Stankova, Alfredo Cuzzocrea2017SpringerClick Here
33794978-3-319-21027-8Evolution of the Exchange IndustryManuela Geranio2016SpringerClick Here
33795978-3-658-11539-5Evaluating the Political Rationality of Terrorist GroupsEric van Um2016SpringerClick Here
33796978-981-10-0141-3Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Valuation, Institutions, and Policy in Southeast AsiaNancy Olewiler, Herminia A. Francisco, Alice Joan G. Ferrer2016SpringerClick Here
33797978-981-10-1056-9Higher Education in the Middle East and North AfricaYew Meng Lai, Abdul Razak Ahmad, Chang Da Wan2016SpringerClick Here
33798978-981-10-0344-8Five Basic Institution Structures and Institutional EconomicsShaorong Sun2016SpringerClick Here
33799978-3-319-33570-4Social Coordination Frameworks for Social Technical SystemsHuib Aldewereld, Olivier Boissier, Virginia Dignum, Pablo Noriega, Julian Padget2016SpringerClick Here
33800978-3-319-30545-5Energy, Complexity and Wealth MaximizationRobert Ayres2016SpringerClick Here