Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 33,861-33,880 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
33861978-3-319-29556-5Histophilus somniThomas J. Inzana2016SpringerClick Here
33862978-981-10-0858-0Peptide-Mediated BiomineralizationJOSE ISAGANI B. JANAIRO2016SpringerClick Here
33863978-3-319-42900-7Models of ComputationRoberto Bruni, Ugo Montanari2017SpringerClick Here
33864978-3-319-54208-9Dynamical and Geometric Aspects of Hamilton-Jacobi and Linearized Monge-Ampère EquationsNam Q. Le, Hiroyoshi Mitake, Hung V. Tran, Hiroyoshi Mitake, Hung V. Tran2017SpringerClick Here
33865978-94-6300-512-8Threshold Concepts in PracticeRay Land, Jan H. F. Meyer, Michael T. Flanagan2016SpringerClick Here
33866978-3-319-47112-9Journey to Ethnographic ResearchLeah Shagrir2017SpringerClick Here
33867978-3-319-61403-8Communication in Critical Embedded SystemsKalinka Branco, Alex Pinto, Daniel Pigatto2017SpringerClick Here
33868978-3-319-23772-5Race, Equity, and EducationPedro Noguera, Jill Pierce, Roey Ahram2016SpringerClick Here
33869978-3-319-52986-8U.S. Foreign Policy Discourse and the Israel Lobby Keith Peter Kiely2017SpringerClick Here
33870978-3-319-49935-2Measurement of Quarkonium Polarization to Probe QCD at the LHCValentin Knünz2017SpringerClick Here
33871978-3-319-47127-3Breaking the FramesPamela J. Stewart, Andrew J. Strathern2017SpringerClick Here
33872978-981-10-2645-4Hilbert's Seventh ProblemRobert Tubbs2016SpringerClick Here
33873978-94-6265-162-3Free Movement of Civil Judgments in the European Union and the Right to a Fair TrialMonique Hazelhorst2017SpringerClick Here
33874978-3-319-21918-9Mergers in Higher EducationRómulo Pinheiro, Lars Geschwind, Timo Aarrevaara2016SpringerClick Here
33875978-3-319-40382-3Design Thinking ResearchHasso Plattner, Christoph Meinel, Larry Leifer2016SpringerClick Here
33876978-3-319-64000-6A Network-Based Approach to Cell MetabolismOriol Güell2017SpringerClick Here
33877978-3-319-53393-3Mobility Patterns and Experiences of the Middle Classes in a Globalizing AgeMonica Laura Vazquez Maggio2017SpringerClick Here
33878978-1-4842-2271-3High Performance SQL ServerBenjamin Nevarez2016SpringerClick Here
33879978-3-319-44603-5From QCD Flux Tubes to Gravitational S-matrix and BackVictor Gorbenko2017SpringerClick Here
33880978-3-319-62618-5Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and ManagementCédric Grueau, Robert Laurini, Jorge Gustavo Rocha2017SpringerClick Here