Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 35,121-35,140 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
35121978-3-662-50539-7Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2015 WorkshopsAlex Norta, Walid Gaaloul, G. R. Gangadharan, Hoa Khanh Dam2016SpringerClick Here
35122978-3-319-43540-4Protein Toxins in Modeling BiochemistryRaj Kumar, Bal Ram Singh2016SpringerClick Here
35123978-94-024-1098-3Hemispherical Photography in Forest Science: Theory, Methods, ApplicationsRichard A. Fournier, Ronald J. Hall2017SpringerClick Here
35124978-3-319-55206-4Responsible Corporate GovernanceMaria Aluchna, Samuel O. Idowu2017SpringerClick Here
35125978-3-319-50361-5100 years of European Philosophy Since the Great WarMatthew Sharpe, Rory Jeffs, Jack Reynolds2017SpringerClick Here
35126978-3-319-44651-6Understanding Demographic TransitionsClaude Diebolt, Faustine Perrin2017SpringerClick Here
35127978-981-10-4023-8Challenges of Modernization and Governance in South KoreaJae-Jung Suh, Mikyoung Kim2017SpringerClick Here
35128978-3-319-44275-4Quantum-Dot-Based Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers for O-Band Optical CommunicationHolger Schmeckebier2017SpringerClick Here
35129978-3-319-53774-0Cellular Injury in Liver DiseasesWen-Xing Ding, Xiao-Ming Yin2017SpringerClick Here
35130978-3-319-50179-6British Female Emigration Societies and the New World, 1860-1914Marie Ruiz2017SpringerClick Here
35131978-3-319-54526-4Computer Vision – ACCV 2016 WorkshopsChu-Song Chen, Jiwen Lu, Kai-Kuang Ma2017SpringerClick Here
35132978-3-319-35080-6Late Neoliberalism and its Discontents in the Economic CrisisDonatella Della Porta, Massimiliano Andretta, Tiago Fernandes, Francis O'Connor, Eduardo Romanos, Markos Vogiatzoglou2017SpringerClick Here
35133978-3-319-26668-8Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan AfricaStephen Vertigans, Samuel O. Idowu, René Schmidpeter2016SpringerClick Here
35134978-3-319-54720-6The Economy of South AsiaTirthankar Roy2017SpringerClick Here
35135978-3-658-14870-6Towards Supply Chain Risk AnalyticsIris Heckmann2016SpringerClick Here
35136978-3-319-41525-3Impact of Cesium on Plants and the EnvironmentDharmendra K. Gupta, Clemens Walther2017SpringerClick Here
35137978-3-319-48231-6Magnesium Technology 2014Martyn Alderman, Michele Manuel, Norbert Hort, Neale Neelameggham2016SpringerClick Here
35138978-3-319-21876-2Influences on the AufbauChristian Damböck2016SpringerClick Here
35139978-981-10-4693-3Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2016)Rong Wang, Cuiping Zhu2017SpringerClick Here
35140978-3-319-32025-0Database Systems for Advanced ApplicationsShamkant B. Navathe, Weili Wu, Shashi Shekhar, Xiaoyong Du, X. Sean Wang, Hui Xiong2016SpringerClick Here