Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 35,681-35,700 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
35681978-3-319-20568-7A Life Devoted to Quality of LifeFilomena Maggino2016SpringerClick Here
35682978-3-319-44015-6National Forest InventoriesClaude Vidal, Iciar A. Alberdi, Laura Hernández Mateo, John J. Redmond2016SpringerClick Here
35683978-3-319-24334-4Environmental Technology in the Oil IndustryStefan Orszulik2016SpringerClick Here
35684978-3-319-39658-3Efflux-Mediated Antimicrobial Resistance in BacteriaXian-Zhi Li, Christopher A. Elkins, Helen I. Zgurskaya2016SpringerClick Here
35685978-3-319-31782-3Research and Practice on the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)Leonid Chechurin2016SpringerClick Here
35686978-3-319-01574-3The Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes and Related TraitsJose C. Florez2016SpringerClick Here
35687978-3-319-44778-0Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016Alessandro E.P. Villa, Paolo Masulli, Antonio Javier Pons Rivero2016SpringerClick Here
35688978-1-4842-1830-3Pro DockerDeepak Vohra2016SpringerClick Here
35689978-981-10-0807-8Handbook of Solar EnergyG. N. Tiwari, Arvind Tiwari, Shyam2016SpringerClick Here
35690978-94-6300-588-3Negotiating BelongingsMelanie Baak2016SpringerClick Here
35691978-3-319-51680-6Adapting to Climate ChangeDania Abdul Malak, Katriona McGlade, Diana Pascual, Eduard Pla2017SpringerClick Here
35692978-1-4842-2620-9Reactive Programming with Angular and ngrxOren Farhi2017SpringerClick Here
35693978-981-287-664-57th International Conference on University Learning and Teaching (InCULT 2014) ProceedingsChan Yuen Fook, Gurnam Kaur Sidhu, Suthagar Narasuman, Lee Lai Fong, Shireena Basree Abdul Rahman2016SpringerClick Here
35694978-94-6300-506-7Creative Intelligence in the 21st CenturyDon Ambrose, Robert J. Sternberg2016SpringerClick Here
35695978-3-319-60531-9Ordering Phenomena in Rare-Earth Nickelate Heterostructures Matthias Hepting2017SpringerClick Here
35696978-3-319-41081-4Strategic Innovation in RussiaTaco C.R. van Someren, Shuhua van Someren-Wang2017SpringerClick Here
35697978-981-10-0385-1Place/No-Place in Urban Asian ReligiosityJoanne Punzo Waghorne2017SpringerClick Here
35698978-3-319-43824-5Intergenerational Transmission of Child MaltreatmentLisa Schelbe, Jennifer M. Geiger2017SpringerClick Here
35699978-3-319-40484-4Engaged AnthropologyTone Bringa, Synnøve Bendixsen2016SpringerClick Here
35700978-3-319-48228-6Essential Readings in Light Metals, Volume 3, Cast Shop for Aluminum ProductionJohn Grandfield, Dmitry Eskin2016SpringerClick Here