Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,001-47,020 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47001978-3-030-02251-8Rethinking 21st Century Diversity in Teacher Preparation, K-12 Education, and School PolicySuniti Sharma, Althier M. Lazar2019SpringerClick Here
47002978-3-030-02710-0Public Service Broadcasting and Media Systems in Troubled European DemocraciesEva Połońska, Charlie Beckett2019SpringerClick Here
47003978-3-030-02795-7Gender and the Changing Face of Higher Education in Asia PacificDeane E. Neubauer, Surinderpal Kaur2019SpringerClick Here
47004978-3-030-03101-5Mobile, Secure, and Programmable NetworkingÉric Renault, Selma Boumerdassi, Samia Bouzefrane2019SpringerClick Here
47005978-3-030-03445-0Springer Series in Light ScatteringAlexander Kokhanovsky2019SpringerClick Here
47006978-3-030-03562-4Social Responsibility and SustainabilityWalter Leal Filho2019SpringerClick Here
47007978-3-030-03998-1The Art and Science of Seismic InterpretationChristopher L. Liner, T. A. (Mac) McGilvery2019SpringerClick Here
47008978-3-030-04236-3Researching the Global Education IndustryMarcelo Parreira do Amaral, Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Christiane Thompson2019SpringerClick Here
47009978-3-030-04327-8Positive Systems James Lam, Yun Chen, Xingwen Liu, Xudong Zhao, Junfeng Zhang2019SpringerClick Here
47010978-3-030-04405-3The Digitalization of Public DiplomacyIlan Manor2019SpringerClick Here
47011978-3-030-05099-3Autoethnography and Organization ResearchAjnesh Prasad2019SpringerClick Here
47012978-3-030-05192-1Nation Failure, Ethnic Elites, and Balance of PowerShinasi A. Rama2019SpringerClick Here
47013978-3-030-05496-0Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: Politics, Policies and Practices in a Globalized Society B. Gloria Guzmán Johannessen2019SpringerClick Here
47014978-3-030-05943-9A New Platform for Edge Mode Manipulations in the Quantum Hall EffectYonatan Cohen2018SpringerClick Here
47015978-3-030-06161-6Communications and NetworkingXingang Liu, Dai Cheng, Lai Jinfeng2019SpringerClick Here
47016978-3-030-10632-4Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel ProcessingDalibor Klusáček, Walfredo Cirne, Narayan Desai2019SpringerClick Here
47017978-3-030-10970-7Selected Areas in Cryptography – SAC 2018Carlos Cid, Michael J. Jacobson Jr.2019SpringerClick Here
47018978-3-030-11072-7Distributed Computing by Mobile EntitiesPaola Flocchini, Giuseppe Prencipe, Nicola Santoro2019SpringerClick Here
47019978-3-030-11226-4Digital Libraries: Supporting Open SciencePaolo Manghi, Leonardo Candela, Gianmaria Silvello2019SpringerClick Here
47020978-3-319-93052-7War in SpaceLinda Dawson2018SpringerClick Here