Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,021-47,040 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47021978-3-319-99178-8Living With the OtherAvi Sagi2018SpringerClick Here
47022978-981-10-5251-4Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social SciencesPranee Liamputtong2019SpringerClick Here
47023978-981-13-0968-7Annual Report on Financing Old Age Care in China (2017)Keyong Dong, Yudong Yao2018SpringerClick Here
47024978-981-13-2185-6Engineering Adaptive Software SystemsYijun Yu, Arosha Bandara, Shinichi Honiden, Zhenjiang Hu, Tetsuo Tamai, Hausi Muller, John Mylopoulos, Bashar Nuseibeh2019SpringerClick Here
47025978-981-13-2399-7Interactive Approaches to Water Governance in AsiaKenji Otsuka2019SpringerClick Here
47026978-981-13-2895-4Automorphisms of Finite GroupsInder Bir Singh Passi, Mahender Singh, Manoj Kumar Yadav2018SpringerClick Here
47027978-981-13-3065-0Biochemical and Biophysical Roles of Cell Surface MoleculesKausik Chattopadhyay, Subhash C. Basu2018SpringerClick Here
47028978-981-13-3167-1Restructuring Translation EducationFeng Yue, Youlan Tao, Huashu Wang, Qiliang Cui, Bin Xu2019SpringerClick Here
47029978-981-13-3203-6Ethics and Sustainability in Accounting and Finance, Volume IKıymet Tunca Çalıyurt2019SpringerClick Here
47030978-981-13-3402-3Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018George Q. Huang, Chen-Fu Chien, Runliang Dou2019SpringerClick Here
47031978-981-13-3489-4Heinrich Heine and the World Literary MapAzade Seyhan2019SpringerClick Here
47032978-981-13-3735-2Theory and Approaches of Group Decision Making with Uncertain Linguistic ExpressionsHai Wang, Zeshui Xu2019SpringerClick Here
47033978-981-13-6077-0China‘s Macroeconomic Outlook Center for Macroeconomic Research2019SpringerClick Here
47034978-3-030-10659-1Communication Systems and NetworksSubir Biswas, Animesh Mukherjee, Mun Choon Chan, Sandip Chakraborty, Abhinav Kumar, Giridhar Mandyam, Rajeev Shorey2019SpringerClick Here
47035978-3-030-01307-3EU Development PoliciesSarah L. Beringer, Sylvia Maier, Markus Thiel2019SpringerClick Here
47036978-3-030-01617-3Interfaces between Mathematical Practices and Mathematical EducationGert Schubring2019SpringerClick Here
47037978-3-030-02004-0Societal Agents in LawLarry D. Barnett2019SpringerClick Here
47038978-3-030-02312-6Innovative Approaches and Applications for Sustainable Rural DevelopmentAlexandros Theodoridis, Athanasios Ragkos, Michail Salampasis2019SpringerClick Here
47039978-3-030-02804-6Advances in Intelligent, Interactive Systems and ApplicationsFatos Xhafa, Srikanta Patnaik, Madjid Tavana2019SpringerClick Here
47040978-3-030-03476-4Multimodal Polymers with Supported CatalystsAlexandra Romina Albunia, Floran Prades, Dusan Jeremic2019SpringerClick Here