Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 48,181-48,200 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
48181978-3-030-13585-0Locating Maldivian Women’s Mosques in Global Discourses Jacqueline H. Fewkes2019SpringerClick Here
48182978-3-030-15305-2Discrete Fuzzy MeasuresGleb Beliakov, Simon James, Jian-Zhang Wu2020SpringerClick Here
48183978-981-13-3681-2Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part II Clinical ScienceJ. Robin Harris, Viktor I. Korolchuk2019SpringerClick Here
48184978-981-13-6520-1Neutronics of Advanced Nuclear SystemsYican Wu2019SpringerClick Here
48185978-1-4842-4285-8iPhone App Design for EntrepreneursMegan Holstein2019SpringerClick Here
48186978-3-030-02029-3Edward Cordell and the Discovery of Cordell BankRobert William Schmieder2019SpringerClick Here
48187978-3-030-03481-8Electric Potential in Toroidal PlasmasA.V. Melnikov2019SpringerClick Here
48188978-3-030-04321-6Children and Screen Media in Changing Arab ContextsTarik Sabry, Nisrine Mansour2019SpringerClick Here
48189978-3-030-05375-8Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and IndiaJörg Nowak2019SpringerClick Here
48190978-3-030-05867-8Exotix Developing Markets Guide Exotix Capital2019SpringerClick Here
48191978-3-030-05886-9The Syntax and Semantics of Noun Modifiers and the Theory of Universal GrammarMin-Joo Kim2019SpringerClick Here
48192978-3-030-11255-4SCOTUS 2018David Klein, Morgan Marietta2019SpringerClick Here
48193978-3-030-11797-9Male Sex Work in the Digital Age Paul Ryan2019SpringerClick Here
48194978-3-030-12418-2Peace, Security and Defence Cooperation in Post-Brexit EuropeCornelia-Adriana Baciu, John Doyle2019SpringerClick Here
48195978-3-030-13012-1Teaching Struggling StudentsLaura M. Harrison2019SpringerClick Here
48196978-3-030-13225-5Corporations as Custodians of the Public Good?Thérèse Rudebeck2019SpringerClick Here
48197978-3-030-13366-5Civil Society, Rhetoric of Resistance, and Transatlantic Trade Leif Johan Eliasson, Patricia Garcia-Duran Huet2019SpringerClick Here
48198978-3-030-13951-3BiomanufacturingChander Prakash, Sunpreet Singh, Rupinder Singh, Seeram Ramakrishna, B. S. Pabla, Sanjeev Puri, M. S. Uddin2019SpringerClick Here
48199978-3-030-14234-6 Information Security and CryptologyFuchun Guo, Xinyi Huang, Moti Yung2019SpringerClick Here
48200978-3-030-14298-8Big Data: Conceptual Analysis and ApplicationsMichael Z. Zgurovsky, Yuriy P. Zaychenko2020SpringerClick Here