Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 48,241-48,260 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
48241978-3-319-46807-5The Conifers: Genomes, Variation and EvolutionDavid B. Neale, Nicholas C. Wheeler2019SpringerClick Here
48242978-3-319-90617-1Metal Soaps in ArtFrancesca Casadio, Katrien Keune, Petria Noble, Annelies Van Loon, Ella Hendriks, Silvia A. Centeno, Gillian Osmond2019SpringerClick Here
48243978-3-319-95195-9Practical Modelling of Dynamic Decision MakingRick Evertsz, John Thangarajah, Thanh Ly2019SpringerClick Here
48244978-3-319-99082-8The Birth of Modern AstronomyHarm J. Habing2018SpringerClick Here
48245978-4-431-55781-4Convergence to Very Low Fertility in East Asia: Processes, Causes, and ImplicationsNoriko O. Tsuya, Minja Kim Choe, Feng Wang2019SpringerClick Here
48246978-3-030-02514-4Oceans in DeclineSergio Rossi2019SpringerClick Here
48247978-3-030-11533-3Physical and Mathematical Modeling of Earth and Environment Processes (2018)V. I. Karev, Dmitry Klimov, Konstantin Pokazeev2019SpringerClick Here
48248978-1-137-47520-6Ancestral Knowledge Meets Computer Science EducationCueponcaxochitl D. Moreno Sandoval2019SpringerClick Here
48249978-3-030-01848-1Law and Life. Why Law?Peter van Schilfgaarde2019SpringerClick Here
48250978-3-030-02143-6Music, Management, Marketing, and LawPhil Graham2019SpringerClick Here
48251978-3-030-03774-1Major Challenges Facing Higher Education in the Arab World: Quality Assurance and Relevance Adnan Badran, Elias Baydoun, John R. Hillman2019SpringerClick Here
48252978-3-030-05093-1Radar Polarimetry for Weather ObservationsAlexander V. Ryzhkov, Dusan S. Zrnic2019SpringerClick Here
48253978-3-030-05520-2Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts Regina Bispo, Joana Bernardino, Helena Coelho, José Lino Costa2019SpringerClick Here
48254978-3-030-10395-8Speaking in CourtAndrew Watson2019SpringerClick Here
48255978-3-030-10704-8Essential NMRBernhard Blümich2019SpringerClick Here
48256978-3-030-11120-5After the AnthropoceneAnne Fremaux2019SpringerClick Here
48257978-3-030-11518-0Inclusive Mathematics EducationDavid Kollosche, Renato Marcone, Michel Knigge, Miriam Godoy Penteado, Ole Skovsmose2019SpringerClick Here
48258978-3-030-12430-4Industrializing Innovation-the Next Revolution Suresh K. Sharma, Karl E. Meyer2019SpringerClick Here
48259978-3-030-12465-6Mass MetrologyS. V. Gupta2019SpringerClick Here
48260978-3-030-12615-5Good Neighbourhood Treaties of Poland Karina Paulina Marczuk2019SpringerClick Here