Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 48,321-48,340 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
48321978-3-319-97007-3Archaeoastronomy in the Roman WorldGiulio Magli, Antonio César González-García, Juan Belmonte Aviles, Elio Antonello2019SpringerClick Here
48322978-3-319-99786-5Nocturnes: Popular Music and the NightGeoff Stahl, Giacomo Bottà2019SpringerClick Here
48323978-981-10-6784-6Plant Polysaccharides-Based Multiple-Unit Systems for Oral Drug DeliveryAmit Kumar Nayak, Md Saquib Hasnain2019SpringerClick Here
48324978-981-13-3621-8Social Justice Theory and Practice for Social WorkLynelle Watts, David Hodgson2019SpringerClick Here
48325978-981-13-5880-7Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Multi-Antenna Wireless NetworksXianghao Yu, Chang Li, Jun Zhang, Khaled B. Letaief2019SpringerClick Here
48326978-981-13-6858-5Teacher Adaptive PracticesTony Loughland2019SpringerClick Here
48327978-981-13-7021-2Investigating the Role of Test Methods in Testing Reading ComprehensionJufang Kong2019SpringerClick Here
48328978-981-13-7279-7Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Statistics (iCMS2017)Liew-Kee Kor, Abd-Razak Ahmad, Zanariah Idrus, Kamarul Ariffin Mansor2019SpringerClick Here
48329978-1-137-52352-5Process Innovation in the Global Fashion IndustryByoungho Ellie Jin, Elena Cedrola2019SpringerClick Here
48330978-1-4842-4439-5LEGO Wind EnergyGrady Koch, Elias Koch2019SpringerClick Here
48331978-1-4939-9084-9Quantum Information Meets Quantum MatterBei Zeng, Xie Chen, Duan-Lu Zhou, Xiao-Gang Wen2019SpringerClick Here
48332978-3-030-01099-7Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 108A. Douglas Kinghorn, Heinz Falk, Simon Gibbons, Jun'ichi Kobayashi, Yoshinori Asakawa, Ji-Kai Liu2019SpringerClick Here
48333978-3-030-03487-0Hyperintensionality and NormativityFederico L. G. Faroldi2019SpringerClick Here
48334978-3-030-04370-4Emerging Technologies for Economic DevelopmentDirk Meissner, Leonid Gokhberg, Ozcan Saritas2019SpringerClick Here
48335978-3-030-05117-4The Dark Side of GlobalisationLeila Simona Talani, Roberto Roccu2019SpringerClick Here
48336978-3-030-05603-2Organic Aquaculture Giuseppe Lembo, Elena Mente2019SpringerClick Here
48337978-3-030-10469-6Urban Green SpacesViniece Jennings, Matthew H. E. M. Browning, Alessandro Rigolon2019SpringerClick Here
48338978-3-030-10922-6Knowledge Management, Arts, and HumanitiesMeliha Handzic, Daniela Carlucci2019SpringerClick Here
48339978-3-030-11129-8Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide Signaling in Higher PlantsDharmendra K. Gupta, José M. Palma, Francisco J. Corpas2019SpringerClick Here
48340978-3-030-11202-8Climate Change and Energy Dynamics in the Middle EastHassan Qudrat-Ullah, Aymen A. Kayal2019SpringerClick Here