Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,021-79,040 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
79021978-3-031-13115-8New Frontiers of Celestial Mechanics: Theory and ApplicationsGiulio Baù, Sara Di Ruzza, Rocío Isabel Páez, Tiziano Penati, Marco Sansottera2022SpringerClick Here
79022978-3-031-18053-8Modeling and Simulation of Infectious DiseasesTarek I. Zohdi2022SpringerClick Here
79023978-3-031-25312-6Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2022Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia2022SpringerClick Here
79024978-981-19-9582-8New Trends in Computer Technologies and ApplicationsSun-Yuan Hsieh, Ling-Ju Hung, Ralf Klasing, Chia-Wei Lee, Sheng-Lung Peng2022SpringerClick Here
79025978-3-031-22684-7p-adic Banach Space RepresentationsDubravka Ban2022SpringerClick Here
79026978-981-19-1249-8The Issues of Illegal Immigration and its Solutions in the Minority-Border Regions in Yunnan Province, ChinaGang Luo2022SpringerClick Here
79027978-3-031-13483-8Closed Loop Control and ManagementSerge Zacher2022SpringerClick Here
79028978-981-19-2756-0A Study of China's Urban-Rural Integration DevelopmentDangguo Ying, Wenyuan Wu2022SpringerClick Here
79029978-3-030-97482-4Indigenous Knowledge and EthnomathematicsEric Vandendriessche, Rik Pinxten2022SpringerClick Here
79030978-3-031-10944-7A History of Regional Commercial Television in AustraliaMichael Thurlow2022SpringerClick Here
79031978-3-031-13662-7Showing Time: Continuous Pictorial Narrative and the Adam and Eve StoryLaura Messina-Argenton, Tiziano Agostini, Tamara Prest, Ian F. Verstegen2022SpringerClick Here
79032978-3-031-16609-9Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics Nicola Salvati, Cira Perna, Stefano Marchetti, Raymond Chambers2022SpringerClick Here
79033978-981-19-6788-7Real-Variable Theory of Hardy Spaces Associated with Generalized Herz Spaces of Rafeiro and SamkoYinqin Li, Dachun Yang, Long Huang2022SpringerClick Here
79034978-3-476-05910-9Marriage as a National FictionDagmar Stöferle2022SpringerClick Here
79035978-3-031-10141-0Mathematical Competencies in the Digital EraUffe Thomas Jankvist, Eirini Geraniou2022SpringerClick Here
79036978-3-031-13745-7A Mental Ethnography: Conclusions from Research in LSDNiccolo Caldararo2022SpringerClick Here
79037978-981-19-3022-5Studies on Tantra in Bengal and Eastern IndiaMadhu Khanna2022SpringerClick Here
79038978-3-662-64978-7Phase Diagrams and Physical Properties of Nonequilibrium Alloys: 5 Component Amorphous Alloys Yoshiyuki Kawazoe, Ursula Carow-Watamura2022SpringerClick Here
79039978-981-19-7670-4Symplectic Integration of Stochastic Hamiltonian SystemsJialin Hong, Liying Sun2022SpringerClick Here
79040978-3-030-96810-6Remote Sensing Land Surface Changes Felix Kogan2022SpringerClick Here