Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,101-79,120 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
7910197811195255475G Physical Layer TechnologiesMosa Ali Abu-Rgheff2019WileyClick Here
7910297811195509215G Radio Access Network Architecture - The Dark Side of 5GSasha Sirotkin2020WileyClick Here
7910397811196455665G Second Phase Explained - The 3GPP Release 16 EnchancementsJyrki T. J. Penttinen2021WileyClick Here
7910497811194251445G System Design - Architectural and Functional Considerations and Long Term ResearchPatrick Marsch2018WileyClick Here
7910597811192363065G Technology - 3GPP New RadioHarri Holma2020WileyClick Here
7910697811195148485G Verticals - Customising Applications, Technologies and Deployment TechniquesRath Vannithamby2020WileyClick Here
7910797811198623216G Frontiers - Towards Future Wireless SystemsChamitha de Alwis2022WileyClick Here
7910897811198475026G Key Technologies - A Comprehensive GuideWei Jiang2022WileyClick Here
79109978111951971378th Conference on Glass Problems - Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 39, Issue 1S. K. Sundaram2018WileyClick Here
79110978111963159079th Conference on Glass Problems, Ceramic Transactions Volume 267S. K. Sundaram2019WileyClick Here
79111978111974493180th Conference on Glass Problems, Ceramic Transactions Volume 268S. K. Sundaram2021WileyClick Here
79112978111990456482nd Conference on Glass Problems, Ceramic Transactions Volume 270S. K. Sundaram2022WileyClick Here
791139781119396307A Clinician's Guide to CBT for Children to Young Adults - A Companion to Think Good-Feel Good and Thinking Good, Feeling Better, 2nd EditionPaul Stallard2020WileyClick Here
791149781118856321A Companion toMichelle Facos2018WileyClick Here
791159781119146940A Companion to AdornoPeter E. Gordon2020WileyClick Here
791169781119100577A Companion to African CinemaKenneth W. Harrow2018WileyClick Here
791179781119063551A Companion to African HistoryWilliam H. Worger2018WileyClick Here
791189781119058199A Companion to African LiteraturesOlakunle George2021WileyClick Here
791199781119632214A Companion to American Agricultural HistoryR. Douglas Hurt2022WileyClick Here
791209781119056157A Companion to American LiteratureSusan Belasco2020WileyClick Here