Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,301-79,320 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
793019781119687788Advances in Hyperspectral Image Processing TechniquesChein-I Chang2022WileyClick Here
793029781119376965Advances in Longitudinal Survey MethodologyPeter Lynn2021WileyClick Here
793039780891189251Advances in Measurement of Soil Physical Properties - Bringing Theory into PracticeG. Clarke Topp2020WileyClick Here
793049781119640868Advances in Metallodrugs - Preparation and Applications in Medicinal ChemistryShahid Ul-Islam2020WileyClick Here
793059781119483298Advances in Network Clustering and BlockmodelingPatrick Doreian2020WileyClick Here
793069781119263685Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and TestingPaul C. Beatty2019WileyClick Here
793079781119788157Advances in Remote Sensing for Forest MonitoringPrem C. Pandey2022WileyClick Here
793089781119616016Advances in Remote Sensing for Natural Resource MonitoringPrem C. Pandey2021WileyClick Here
793099781119869610Advances in Semiconductor Technologies - Selected Topics Beyond Conventional CMOSAn Chen2022WileyClick Here
793109781119171539Advances in the Biology and Management of Modern Bed BugsStephen L. Doggett2018WileyClick Here
793119781119808404Advances in Time-Domain Computational Electromagnetic MethodsQiang Ren2022WileyClick Here
793129781118945650Aeolian Geomorphology - A new introductionIan Livingstone2019WileyClick Here
793139781119189954Aerated Foods - Principles, Formation and StabilityGanesan Narsimhan2019WileyClick Here
793149781119281139AeroMACS - An IEEE 802.16 Standard-Based Technology for the Next Generation of Air Transportation SystemsBehnam Kamali2018WileyClick Here
793159781119505433Aerospace Actuators 3Jean-Charles Mare2018WileyClick Here
793169781119905264Aerospace Polymeric MaterialsTariq A. Inamuddin2022WileyClick Here
793179780891182849Aerospace Science and Agricultural DevelopmentMarion F. Baumgardner2020WileyClick Here
793189780891183426Aflatoxin Control - Safeguarding Animal Feed with Calcium SmectiteJoe B. Dixon2020WileyClick Here
793199781119284376Ageing and Life Extension of Offshore Structures - The Challenge of Managing Structural IntegrityGerhard Ersdal2019WileyClick Here
793209781119155713Agent-based Modelling of Tax Evasion - Theoretical Aspects and Computational SimulationsSascha Hokamp2018WileyClick Here