Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,201-79,220 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
792019781119698821A Framework of Human Systems Engineering - Applications and Case StudiesHolly A. H. Handley2020WileyClick Here
792029781119683674A Geek Girl's Guide to Electronics and the Internet of ThingsAudrey O'Shea2020WileyClick Here
792039781119296294A General Introduction to Data AnalyticsJoo Moreira2018WileyClick Here
792049781119407119A Guide for Implementing a Patent Strategy - How Inventors, Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs,and Independent Innovators Can ProtectDonald S. Rimai2018WileyClick Here
792059781119447054A Guide to Business StatisticsDavid M. McEvoy2018WileyClick Here
792069781119436775A Guide to Financial Regulation for Fintech EntrepreneursStefan Loesch2018WileyClick Here
792079781119859390A Guide to Noise in Microwave Circuits - Devices, Circuits, and MeasurementPeter Heymann2021WileyClick Here
792089781118907283A Guide to the Scientific Career - Virtues, Communication, Research and Academic WritingMohammadali M. Shoja2019WileyClick Here
792099781119701125A Handbook for the Sustainable Use of Timber in ConstructionJim Coulson2020WileyClick Here
792109781119792550A Handbook of Intelligent Healthcare Analytics - Knowledge Engineering with Big DataA. Jaya2022WileyClick Here
792119781119555384A Handbook on High Value Fermentation Products - Volume 2: Human WelfareSaurabh Saran2019WileyClick Here
792129781119563501A Handbook on Multi-Attribute Decision-Making MethodsOmid Bozorg-Haddad2021WileyClick Here
792139781119044420A History of Romantic LiteratureFrederick Burwick2019WileyClick Here
792149781119392606A History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia - Volume II: Inner Eurasia from the Mongol Empireto Today, 1260-2000David Christian2018WileyClick Here
792159781119782377A Mid-Ordovician Brachiopod Evolutionary Hotspotin Southern KazakhstanLeonid E. Popov2022WileyClick Here
792169781119445326A Modern Introduction to Fuzzy MathematicsApostolos Syropoulos2020WileyClick Here
792179781118902226A New Companion to ChaucerPeter Brown2019WileyClick Here
792189781119668565A New Companion to Herman MelvilleWyn Kelley2022WileyClick Here
792199780891182887A New Look at Energy SourcesDarell E. McCloud2020WileyClick Here
792209781119670155A New Swing-Contract Design for Wholesale Power MarketsLeigh Tesfatsion2020WileyClick Here