Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,621-79,640 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
796219781118663233Biological Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy 2V SetRoland A. Fleck2019WileyClick Here
796229781119986607Biological Flow in Large Vessels - Dialog between Numerical Modeling and In Vitro/In Vivo ExperimentsValerie Deplano2022WileyClick Here
796239780891182948Biological N Fixation in Forage-Livestock SystemsC. S. Hoveland2020WileyClick Here
796249783527685332Biological Reaction Engineering - Dynamic Modelling Fundamentals with 80 Interactive Simulation ExamplesElmar Heinzle2021WileyClick Here
796259783527811014Biological Soft Matter - Fundamentals, Propertiesand ApplicationsCorinne Nardin2021WileyClick Here
796269781119564690Biologics, Biosimilars, and Biobetters - An Introduction for Pharmacists, Physicians and Other Health PractitionersIqbal Ramzan2021WileyClick Here
796279781119663416Biology and Mathematics - History and ChallengesRoger Buis2019WileyClick Here
796289781119187547Biomarkers in Drug Discovery and Development - A Handbook of Practice, Application, and Strategy, Second EditionRamin Rahbari2020WileyClick Here
796299781119237716Biomass Energy and Carbon Capture and Storage(BECCS) - Unlocking Negative EmissionsClair Gough2018WileyClick Here
796309783527825028Biomass Valorization - Sustainable Methods for the Production of ChemicalsDavide Ravelli2021WileyClick Here
796319783527832903Biomass-Derived Carbon Materials - Production and ApplicationsAlagarsamy Pandikumar2022WileyClick Here
796329783527837823Biomaterials Effect on the Bone Microenvironment - Fabrication, Regeneration, and Clinical ApplicationsJiacan Su2022WileyClick Here
796339781119711278Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval - Methodologies, Techniques, and ApplicationsSujata Dash2021WileyClick Here
796349781119296034Biomedical Engineering Challenges - A Chemical Engineering InsightVincenzo Piemonte2018WileyClick Here
796359781119683360Biomimetics - Nature-Inspired Design and InnovationSandy B. Primrose2020WileyClick Here
796369781119483977Biomolecular and Bioanalytical Techniques - Theory, Methodology and Applications oBookVasudevan Ramesh2019WileyClick Here
796379781119771951Biomolecular Engineering Solutions for Renewable Specialty Chemicals - Microorganisms, Products,and ProcessesR. Navanietha Krishnaraj2021WileyClick Here
796389783527806836Biomolecular Simulations in Structure-based Drug DiscoveryFrancesco L. Gervasio2019WileyClick Here
796399781119769620Biomolecules from Natural Sources - Advances and ApplicationsVijai Kumar Gupta2022WileyClick Here
796409781119678366Biopharmaceutics - From Fundamentals to Industrial PracticeHannah Batchelor2021WileyClick Here