Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,661-79,680 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
796619781119629573Blockchain - The Advent of DisintermediationMatthieu Quiniou2019WileyClick Here
796629781119711063Blockchain for Business - How it Works and Creates ValueS. S. Tyagi2021WileyClick Here
796639781119519621Blockchain for Distributed Systems SecuritySachin Shetty2019WileyClick Here
796649781119865247Blockchain Technology in Corporate Governance - Transforming Business and IndustriesKiran Sood2022WileyClick Here
796659781119764724Blood Traces - Interpretation of Deposition and DistributionPeter R. De Forest2021WileyClick Here
796669783527801718Blue Biotechnology - Production and Use of Marine MoleculesStephane La Barre2018WileyClick Here
796679781119986782Blue Planet, Red and Green Photosynthesis - Productivity and Carbon Cycling in Aquatic EcosystemsStephen Christopher Maberly2022WileyClick Here
796689781118901922Bodies, Affects, Politics - The Clash of Bodily RegimesSteve Pile2021WileyClick Here
796699781119390060Body Sensor Networking, Design and AlgorithmsSaeid Sanei2020WileyClick Here
796709781119720676Bone and Joint Infections - From Microbiology to Diagnostics and Treatment, Second EditionWerner Zimmerli2021WileyClick Here
796719781119517528Boolean Functions - Topics in AsynchronicitySerban E. Vlad2019WileyClick Here
796729781119010678Boron Proxies in Paleoceanography and PaleoclimatologyBrbel Hnisch2019WileyClick Here
796739781119275602Boron-Based Compounds - Potential and Emerging Applications in MedicineEvamarie Hey-Hawkins2018WileyClick Here
796749781119632429Boundary Conditions in ElectromagneticsIsmo V. Lindell2019WileyClick Here
796759781119490357Bow Ties in Risk Management - A Concept Book for Process SafetyCCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)2018WileyClick Here
796769781119523857Bow-Tie Industrial Risk Management Across Sectors- A Barrier Based ApproachLuca Fiorentini2021WileyClick Here
796779781119421900Breaking Digital Gridlock + Website: Improving Your Bank’s Digital Future by Making Technology Changes NowJohn Best2018WileyClick Here
796789781118927595Bridge Design - Concepts and AnalysisAntonio J. Reis2019WileyClick Here
796799780891183655Bridging Among Disciplines by Synthesizing Soiland Plant ProcessesOle Wendroth2020WileyClick Here
796809781119181613British Literature 1640-1789 - KeywordsRobert DeMaria2018WileyClick Here