Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,741-79,760 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
797419781119823971Chance, Calculation and LifeThierry Gaudin2021WileyClick Here
797429781119882299Change Detection and Image Time-Series Analysis 2- Supervised MethodsAbdourrahmane M. Atto2021WileyClick Here
797439781119882268Change Detection and Image Time-Series Analysis Volume 1 - Unsupervised MethodsAbdourrahmane M. Atto2021WileyClick Here
797449780891188704Changing Patterns in Fertilizer UseL. B. Nelson2020WileyClick Here
797459781119414018Characterization of Pharmaceutical Nano- and MicrosystemsLeena Peltonen2020WileyClick Here
797469781119742449Check Dam Construction for Sustainable Watershed Management and PlanningZhanbin Li2022WileyClick Here
797479783527813421Chemical Biology of Neurodegeneration - A Molecular ApproachPedro Merino2019WileyClick Here
797489783527814794Chemical Catalysts for Biomass UpgradingMark Crocker2020WileyClick Here
797499781119600800Chemical Engineering in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition Volume 2, SetDavid J am Ende2019WileyClick Here
797509780891189374Chemical Equilibrium and Reaction ModelsRichard H. Loeppert2020WileyClick Here
797519780891189060Chemical Mobility and Reactivity in Soil SystemsDarrell W. Nelson2020WileyClick Here
797529781119311478Chemical Process Design and Simulation - Aspen Plus and Aspen Hysys ApplicationsJuma Haydary2019WileyClick Here
797539781119871163Chemical Process Engineering SetA. Kayode Coker2022WileyClick Here
797549780891188926Chemical Processes in SoilsM. A. Tabatabai2020WileyClick Here
797559781119683353Chemical Reactivity in Confined Systems - Theory, Modelling and ApplicationsPratim Kumar Chattaraj2021WileyClick Here
797569783527823376Chemical Reactor Design - Mathematical Modelingand ApplicationsJuan A. Conesa2019WileyClick Here
797579781119223610Chemical Regulation in the Middle EastMichael S. Wenk2018WileyClick Here
797589783527838790Chemically Modified Carbon Nanotubes for Commercial ApplicationsJeenat Aslam2023WileyClick Here
797599783527817856Chemistry and Biology of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids - The Watson-Crick World Is Not EnoughNaoki Sugimoto2021WileyClick Here
797609783527819867Chemistry EntrepreneurshipJavier Garca-Martnez2022WileyClick Here