Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 80,301-80,320 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
803019781119407690Emerging Photovoltaic Materials - Silicon & BeyondSantosh K. Kurinec2018WileyClick Here
803029783527691203Emerging Pollutants - Origin, Structure and PropertiesFrancisco G. Calvo-Flores2018WileyClick Here
803039781119509875Emerging Technologies for Health and Medicine: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, Industry 4.Dac-Nhuong Le2018WileyClick Here
803049781119792345Emerging Technologies for Healthcare - Internet of Things and Deep Learning ModelsMonika Mangla2021WileyClick Here
803059781394150458Emotional Processes in Learning SituationsMarianne Habib2022WileyClick Here
803069781119801481Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 1 - Transdisciplinary Theoretical ApproachChristian Goglin2020WileyClick Here
803079781119817895Emotions and Values in Equity Crowdfunding Investment Choices 2 Modeling and Empirical StudyChristian Goglin2021WileyClick Here
803089783433610336"Empfehlungen des Arbeitsausschusses""Ufereinfasungen"" Häfen und Wasserstraßen EAU 2020 12e"HTG2021WileyClick Here
803099783433610633"Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises ""Baugruben"" (EAB)6e"Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Geotechnik2021WileyClick Here
803109783433608586"Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises ""Baugrunddynamik"""Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Geotechnik2018WileyClick Here
803119783433610794Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises GeomesstechnikDeutsche Gesellschaft fr Geotechnik2021WileyClick Here
803129783433610909Empfehlungen des Arbeitskreises Versuchstechnik Fels Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Geotechnik2022WileyClick Here
803139783433609415Empfehlungen zu Dichtungssystemen im Tunnelbau EAG-EDT 2eDeutsche Gesellschaft fr Geowissen2018WileyClick Here
803149781119902263Employability and Industrial Mutations - Between Individual Trajectories and Organizational Strategic Planning Volume 4Florent Noel2022WileyClick Here
803159781119247159Emulsion-based Systems for Delivery of Food Active Compounds - Formation, Application, Health and SafetyShahin Roohinejad2018WileyClick Here
803169781119515579Enabling 5G Communication Systems to Support Vertical IndustriesMuhammad Ali Imran2019WileyClick Here
803179781119769088Enabling Healthcare 4.0 for Pandemics - A Roadmap Using AI, Machine Learning, IoT and Cognitive TechnologiesAbhinav Juneja2021WileyClick Here
803189781119701460Enabling the Internet of Things - Fundamentals, Design, and ApplicationsMuhammad Azhar Iqbal2020WileyClick Here
803199781118801017Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture Two Volume SetPascal Richet2021WileyClick Here
803209781119143802Encyclopedia of Marine BiotechnologySe-Kwon Kim2020WileyClick Here