Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 80,501-80,520 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
805019781119902973Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces Volume 1 - Methodsand DiversityRoger Prudhomme2022WileyClick Here
805029781119903000Fluid Mechanics at Interfaces Volume 2 - Case Studies and InstabilitiesRoger Prudhomme2022WileyClick Here
805039781119457015Fluid Mechanics in Channel, Pipe and Aerodynamic Design Geometries Vol 1Christina G. Georgantopoulou2018WileyClick Here
805049781119457008Fluid Mechanics in Channel, Pipe and Aerodynamic Design Geometries Vol 2Christina G. Georgantopoulou2018WileyClick Here
805059781394188222Fluid-structure Interaction - Numerical Simulation Techniques for Naval ApplicationsJean-Franois Sigrist2022WileyClick Here
805069781119477099Fluorescent NanodiamondsHuan-Cheng Chang2018WileyClick Here
805079781119424437Fluvial meanders and their sedimentary products in the rock record (IAS SP 48)Massimiliano Ghinassi2019WileyClick Here
805089781119525080Fog and Edge Computing - Principles and ParadigmsRajkumar Buyya2019WileyClick Here
805099781119501121Fog and Fogonomics - Challenges and Practices of Fog Computing, Communication, Networking, Strategy, and EconomicsYang Yang2020WileyClick Here
805109781119551713Fog Computing - Theory and PracticeAssad Abbas2020WileyClick Here
805119781119670087Fog, Edge, and Pervasive Computing in Intelligent IoT Driven ApplicationsDeepak Gupta2020WileyClick Here
805129781119388494Food and Drink - Good Manufacturing Practice - A Guide to its Responsible Management (GMP7), 7th EditionLouise Institute of Food Science and Technology2018WileyClick Here
805139781119792130Food Chemistry - The Role of Additives, Preservatives and AdulterationMousumi Sen2021WileyClick Here
805149780891182788Food For BillionsD. C. Smith2020WileyClick Here
805159780891183365Food for PeaceN. C. Brady2020WileyClick Here
805169781119614760Food Formulation - Novel Ingredients and Processing TechniquesShivani Pathania2021WileyClick Here
805179781119468417Food Frying - Chemistry, Biochemistry and SafetyAlam Zeb2019WileyClick Here
805189781683670476Food Microbiology - Fundamentals and Frontiers Fifth EditionMichael P. Doyle2019WileyClick Here
805199781119053569Food Safety for the 21st Century - Managing HACCPand Food Safety Throughout the Global Supply Chain, Second EditionCarol A. Wallace2018WileyClick Here
805209781119180661Food Security and Climate ChangeShyam Singh Yadav2019WileyClick Here