Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 80,401-80,420 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
804019781119616061Ethically Structured Processes - Thinking World-scale ResponsibilityVirgil Cristian Lenoir2019WileyClick Here
804029781119341161Ethics of Transitions - What World Do We Want to Live in Together?Jim Dratwa2022WileyClick Here
804039781119744719Ethylene in Plant BiologySamiksha Singh2022WileyClick Here
804049783433607602Eurocode 4 - DIN EN 1994-1-1 Bemessung und Konstruktion von Berbundtragwerken aus Stahl und Beton - Allgemein Regln und Hochbau. Kommentar undGerhard Hanswille2020WileyClick Here
804059783433609118Eurocode 6 - DIN EN 1996 mit Nationalen Anhängen: Bemessung und Konstruktion von Mauerwerksbauten. Kommentierte FassungDGfM Service GmbH2020WileyClick Here
804069781119367376European Overseas Empire 1879-1999: A Short HistoryMatthew G. Stanard2018WileyClick Here
804079781118918128Evaluating Contract Claims, 3rd EditionJohn Mullen2019WileyClick Here
804089781119719465Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location, Seventh EditionDonald A. Wilson2021WileyClick Here
804099781119260363Evidence-Based Infectious Diseases 3eDominik Mertz2018WileyClick Here
804109781119462996Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: The State of the Science and PracticeDaniel David2018WileyClick Here
804119781119549833Evidence-Based Statistics - An Introduction to the Evidential Approach - from Likelihood Principleto Statistical PracticePeter M. B. Cahusac2020WileyClick Here
804129781119471219Evil OnlineDean Cocking2018WileyClick Here
804139781119882206Evolution of Social Ties around New Food PracticesGilles Sere de Lanauze2021WileyClick Here
804149781119574293Evolutionary Computation in SchedulingAmir H. Gandomi2020WileyClick Here
804159781119451471Evolutions of the Complex Relationship Between Education and TerritoriesAngela Barthes2018WileyClick Here
804169781119821779Evolving Software Processes - Trends and Future DirectionsArif Ali Khan2022WileyClick Here
804179781119549376Excel 2019 BibleMichael Alexander2018WileyClick Here
804189781119583790Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBAMichael Alexander2019WileyClick Here
804199781119115557Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Actinide ChemistryJohn K. Gibson2018WileyClick Here
804209781119518037Experimental Methods for Evaluation of Hydrotreating CatalystsJorge Ancheyta2020WileyClick Here