Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 80,901-80,920 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
809019783527814633Imaging Technologies and Transdermal Delivery in Skin DisordersChenjie Xu2020WileyClick Here
809029781119887294Immersive Technologies to Accelerate Innovation - How Virtual and Augmented Reality Enables the Co-Creation of ConceptsSylvain Fleury2022WileyClick Here
809039780891183198Impact of Carbon Dioxide, Trace Gases, and Climate Change on Global AgricultureBruce A. Kimball2020WileyClick Here
809049781119830054Impact of Societal Norms on Safety, Health, andthe Environment - Case Studies in Society and Safety CultureLee T. Ostrom2022WileyClick Here
809059780891183297Impacts of El NiƱo and Climate Variability on AgricultureCynthia Rosenzweig2020WileyClick Here
809069781119812203Impacts of the Covid-19 - Pandemic International Laws, Policies, and Civil LibertiesNadav Morag2022WileyClick Here
809079781119423942IMPAIRED VISION - How the visual world may changeafter brain damageEdward de Haan2019WileyClick Here
809089781119381860Impedance Spectroscopy: Theory, Experiment, and Applications, Third EditionEvgenij Barsoukov2018WileyClick Here
809099781119612216Implementing Cryptography Using PythonShannon W. Bray2020WileyClick Here
809109781119604662Improving Health Care Quality - Case Studies with JMPMary Ann Shifflet2020WileyClick Here
809119780891183525Improving Modeling Tools to Assess Climate Change Effects on Crop ResponseJerry L. Hatfield2020WileyClick Here
809129781119179429Improving Product Reliability and Software Quality- Strategies, Tools, Process and Implementation 2eMark A. Levin2019WileyClick Here
809139780891183310Improving the Productivity and Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Systems - Issues and ImpactsJagdish K. Ladha2020WileyClick Here
809149781119104780In the Midst of Plenty - Homelessness and Whatto Do About ItMarybeth Shinn2020WileyClick Here
809159781118675748In Vitro Drug Release Testing of Special Dosage FormsNikoletta Fotaki2019WileyClick Here
809169781119382461In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy - Principles and Techniqus 3eRobin A. de Graaf2019WileyClick Here
809179781394165391Inbounds-Outbounds between Tourism and Health - From Medical Tourism to Global HealthSebastien Fleuret2022WileyClick Here
809189781119597490Incentives and Environmental Policies - From Theory to Empirical NoveltiesBenjamin Ouvrard2019WileyClick Here
809199781119910831Increasing Productivity on Construction ProjectsTed Trauner2022WileyClick Here
809209781119333784Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis - A Handbook for Healthcare ResearchRichard D. Riley2021WileyClick Here