Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 80,941-80,960 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
809419781119887133Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things - Generation of Space, Quantum and Molecular Elements, Coactive Gen of Living OrganisAlain Cardon2022WileyClick Here
809429781119902058Information Practices and Knowledge in HealthCeline Paganelli2022WileyClick Here
809439781119332497Information Systems Management - Governance, Urbanization and AlignmentDaniel Alban2019WileyClick Here
809449781119625384Information Theory Meets Power Laws - Stochastic Processes and Language ModelsLukasz Debowski2020WileyClick Here
809459781119663317Information, Knowledge and Agile CreativityStephane Goria2019WileyClick Here
809469781119579373Information, The Hidden Side of LifeCdric Gaucherel2019WileyClick Here
809479781119452867Informational TrackingSylvie Leleu-Merviel2018WileyClick Here
809489781119642312Infoselves - The Value of Online IdentityDemetra Garbasevschi2021WileyClick Here
809499781119824060Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Spindles for Space Observation 1Pierre-Richard Dahoo2021WileyClick Here
809509781119865988Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Spindles for Space Observation Vol 2Pierre-Richard Dahoo2021WileyClick Here
809519781119579281Infrared Spectroscopy of Triatomics for Space ObservationPierre-Richard Dahoo2019WileyClick Here
809529783527693306Infrared Thermal Imaging 2e - Fundamentals, Research and ApplicationsMichael Vollmer2018WileyClick Here
809539783433609255Ingenieurholzbau - Basiswissen - Tragelemente und VerbindungenWerner Seim2019WileyClick Here
809549783433609293Ingenieurholzbau - VertiefungWerner Seim2021WileyClick Here
809559783527828074Inkjet Printing in Industry - Materials, Technologies, Systems, and ApplicationsWerner Zapka2022WileyClick Here
809569781119597636Innovation and Agility in the Digital Age - Africa, the World's Laboratories of TomorrowSoufyane Frimousse2019WileyClick Here
809579781119453604Innovation and Development - The Politics at the Bottom of the PyramidMario Pansera2019WileyClick Here
809589781119881544Innovation and Export - The Joint Challenge of the Small CompanyManon Enjolras2021WileyClick Here
809599781119819912Innovation and Financial MarketsChristophe Dispas2021WileyClick Here
809609781119681021Innovation and Industrial PoliciesJol-Thomas Ravix2019WileyClick Here