Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,901-82,920 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
829019781119575139Topographical Tools for Filtering and Segmentation 2: Flooding and Marker-based Segmentation on Node- or Edge-weighted GraphsFernand Meyer2019WileyClick Here
829029781119687252Topology Optimization Design of Heterogeneous Materials and StructuresDaicong Da2020WileyClick Here
829039781119720492TORUS 1 - Toward an Open Resource Using Services - Cloud Computing for Environmental DataDominique Laffly2020WileyClick Here
829049781119720553TORUS 2 - Toward an Open Resource Using Services - Cloud Computing for Environmental DataDominique Laffly2020WileyClick Here
829059781119720522TORUS 3 - Toward an Open Resource Using Services - Cloud Computing for Environmental DataDominique Laffly2020WileyClick Here
829069783527823567Total Chemical Synthesis of ProteinsAshraf Brik2021WileyClick Here
829079781119658054Toward 6G - A New Era of ConvergenceMartin Maier2020WileyClick Here
829089781119824077Towards a Political Education Through Environmental IssuesMelki Slimani2021WileyClick Here
829099781119586449Towards Cognitive Autonomous Networks - Network Management Automation for 5G and BeyondStephen S. Mwanje2020WileyClick Here
829109781119316329Toxicology of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials in Human, Terrestrial and Aquatic SystemsMarc A. Williams2022WileyClick Here
829119781119453635Traceable Human Experiment Design Research:Theoretical Model and Practical GuideNadine Mandran2018WileyClick Here
829129781119599012Trading Fixed Income and FX in Emerging Markets - A practitioner's guideDirk Willer2020WileyClick Here
829139783433610497TragfÀhigkeit unbewehrter Mauerwerksdruckgliederbei zweiachsig exzentrischer Beanspruchung - DAfM Schriftenreihe Heft 2Valentin Deutscher Ausschuss fr Mauerwerk e.V.2020WileyClick Here
829149781119563938Training Engineers in InnovationDenis Lematre2018WileyClick Here
829159781119720409Trajectories of GeneticsBernard Dujon2020WileyClick Here
829169781118380055Transcritical CO2 Heat Pump - Fundamentals and ApplicationsXin-rong Zhang2021WileyClick Here
829179781119474654Transdisciplinary Engineering Design ProcessAtila Ertas2018WileyClick Here
829189781118724811Transfer Matrix Method for Multibody Systems: Theory and ApplicationsXiaoting Rui2018WileyClick Here
829199780891183075Transferring Technology for Small-Scale FarmingNoble R. Usherwood2020WileyClick Here
829209781119566380Transformational Security Awareness - What Neuroscientists, Storytellers, and Marketers Can Teach Us About Driving Secure BehaviorsPerry Carpenter2019WileyClick Here