Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,881-82,900 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
828819783527820740Thermografie - Theorie, Messtechnik, PraxisEric Rahne2022WileyClick Here
828829783527822614Thermomechanical Fatigue of Ceramic-Matrix CompositesLongbiao Li2019WileyClick Here
828839781119865544Thermoplastic Polymer Composites - Processing, Properties, Performance, Applications and RecyclabilitySodagudi Francis Xavier2022WileyClick Here
828849781119395348Think Good, Feel Good: A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook for Children and Young People, Second EditionPaul Stallard2018WileyClick Here
828859781119397298Thinking Good, Feeling Better - A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Workbook for Adolescents and Young AdultsPaul Stallard2018WileyClick Here
828869781119818625Threats to Springs in a Changing World - Scienceand Policies for Water ProtectionMatthew Currell2022WileyClick Here
828879781119751427Thresholds in Architectural EducationNur Caglar2020WileyClick Here
828889781119470380Time Series Analysis with Long Memory in ViewUwe Hassler2018WileyClick Here
828899781119452874Time, Emergences and CommunicationsBernard Dugu2018WileyClick Here
828909781119612377Time-Domain Electromagnetic Reciprocity in Antenna ModelingMartin Stumpf2019WileyClick Here
828919781119892373Time-Frequency Analysis of Seismic SignalsYanghua Wang2022WileyClick Here
828929781119548515Timeless Learning: How Imagination, Observation, and Zero-Based Thinking Change SchoolsIra Socol2018WileyClick Here
828939781118713679Time-Limited Existential Therapy - The Wheel of ExistenceAlison Strasser2021WileyClick Here
828949783527825431TiO2 Nanoparticles - Applications in Nanobiotechnology, Theranostics and NanomedicineAiguo Wu2020WileyClick Here
828959780891189312Tomography of Soil-Water-Root ProcessesStephen H. Anderson2020WileyClick Here
828969781394171460Tools, Languages, Methodologies for Representing Semantics on the Web of ThingsShikha Mehta2022WileyClick Here
828979781119526735Topographical and Pathotopographical Medical Atlas of the Chest, Abdomen, Lumbar Region, and Retroperitoneal SpaceZ. M. Seagal2018WileyClick Here
828989781119619017Topographical and Pathotopographical Medical Atlas of the Human BodyZ. M. Seagal2020WileyClick Here
828999781119619024Topographical and Pathotopographical Medical Atlas of the Pelvis, Spine, and LimbsZ. M. Seagal2019WileyClick Here
829009781119579519Topographical Tools for Filtering and Segmentation 1 - Watersheds on Node- or Edge-weighted GraphsFernand Meyer2019WileyClick Here