Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 83,201-83,220 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
83201978-1-4939-2700-5The Brain and Conscious UnityPetr Bob2015SpringerClick Here
83202978-3-319-17536-2A Comprehensive Cognitive Behavioral Program for OffendersGranville Bud Potter John C. Gibbs Molly Robbins Peter E. Langdon2015SpringerClick Here
83203978-3-319-18395-4Methodologies in Peace PsychologyDiane Bretherton Siew Fang Law2015SpringerClick Here
83204978-1-4939-1917-8Perceived Exertion Laboratory ManualLuke Haile Michael Gallagher Jr. Robert J. Robertson2015SpringerClick Here
83205978-3-319-20322-5Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic PainSridhar Vasudevan2015SpringerClick Here
83206978-3-319-09384-0The Evolution of SexualityTodd K. Shackelford Ranald D. Hansen2015SpringerClick Here
83207978-3-319-18866-9Traumatic Stress and Long-Term RecoveryKatie E. Cherry2015SpringerClick Here
83208978-3-658-08955-9The Art of Living SidewaysSophie Friedel2015SpringerClick Here
83209978-81-322-2044-2Depersonalized Bullying at WorkPremilla D Cruz2015SpringerClick Here
83210978-1-4939-2656-5Autism Service DeliveryFlorence D. DiGennaro Reed Derek D. Reed2015SpringerClick Here
83211978-3-319-13838-1Foundational Aspects of Family-School Partnership ResearchSusan M. Sheridan Elizabeth Moorman Kim2015SpringerClick Here
83212978-1-4939-1899-7Handbook of Community SentimentMonica K. Miller Jeremy A. Blumenthal Jared Chamberlain2015SpringerClick Here
83213978-1-4939-1236-0Handbook of Biobehavioral Approaches to Self-RegulationGuido H.E. Gendolla Mattie Tops Sander L. Koole2015SpringerClick Here
83214978-3-319-15572-2Wives of Child Molesters Within the FamilyRobert R. Hazelwood2015SpringerClick Here
83215978-3-319-14818-2Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public SchoolsElizabeth T. Gershoff Kelly M. Purtell Igor Holas2015SpringerClick Here
83216978-3-319-08150-2Behavioral Analysis of Maternal FilicideJoy Lynn E. Shelton Tia A. Hoffer Yvonne E. Muirhead2015SpringerClick Here
83217978-3-319-15476-3Practical Strategies for Clinical Management of BullyingRashmi Shetgiri Dorothy L. Espelage Leslie Carroll2015SpringerClick Here
83218978-3-319-15239-4Integrating Behaviorism and Attachment Theory in Parent CoachingBeth Troutman2015SpringerClick Here
83219978-3-319-17058-9Risk AssessmentDavid L. Shapiro Angela M. Noe2015SpringerClick Here
83220978-3-319-09081-8PTSD and Forensic PsychologyLaurence Miller2015SpringerClick Here