Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 45,281-45,300 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
45281978-3-319-98322-6Irish Urban FictionsMaria Beville, Deirdre Flynn2018SpringerClick Here
45282978-3-319-98326-4Theoretical Physics 9Wolfgang Nolting2018SpringerClick Here
45283978-3-319-98376-9Traveller Vulnerability in the Context of Travel and Tourism ContractsMaria Goretti Sanches Lima2018SpringerClick Here
45284978-3-319-98407-0Symmetrization and Stabilization of Solutions of Nonlinear Elliptic EquationsMessoud Efendiev2018SpringerClick Here
45285978-3-319-98419-3Literatures of LiberalizationRegenia Gagnier2018SpringerClick Here
45286978-3-319-98482-7A Beginners' Guide to Scanning Electron MicroscopyAnwar Ul-Hamid2018SpringerClick Here
45287978-3-319-98494-0Institutionalist Perspectives on DevelopmentSpyros Vliamos, Michel S. Zouboulakis2018SpringerClick Here
45288978-3-319-98512-1Handbook of Service Science, Volume IIPaul P. Maglio, Cheryl A. Kieliszewski, James C. Spohrer, Kelly Lyons, Lia Patrício, Yuriko Sawatani2019SpringerClick Here
45289978-3-319-98527-5The Quark Structure of HadronsClaude Amsler2018SpringerClick Here
45290978-3-319-98542-8The Family Business Group PhenomenonMarita Rautiainen, Peter Rosa, Timo Pihkala, Maria José Parada, Allan Discua Cruz2019SpringerClick Here
45291978-3-319-98575-6An Africana Philosophy of TemporalityMichael E. Sawyer2018SpringerClick Here
45292978-3-319-98624-1Designing for Privacy and its Legal FrameworkAurelia Tamò-Larrieux2018SpringerClick Here
45293978-3-319-98684-5Advances in the Mathematical SciencesAlyson Deines, Daniela Ferrero, Erica Graham, Mee Seong Im, Carrie Manore, Candice Price2018SpringerClick Here
45294978-3-319-98699-9Preventing Mental IllnessDespo Kritsotaki, Vicky Long, Matthew Smith2019SpringerClick Here
45295978-3-319-98726-2Knowledge, Morals and Practice in Kant’s AnthropologyGualtiero Lorini, Robert B. Louden2018SpringerClick Here
45296978-3-319-98740-8A Study Guide to the ISTQB® Foundation Level 2018 SyllabusAdam Roman2018SpringerClick Here
45297978-3-319-98776-7International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence ATCI 2018Jemal Abawajy, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Rafiqul Islam, Zheng Xu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman2019SpringerClick Here
45298978-3-319-98758-3Omics Applications for Systems BiologyWan Mohd Aizat, Hoe-Han Goh, Syarul Nataqain Baharum2018SpringerClick Here
45299978-3-319-98788-0Alcohol and CancerVasilis Vasiliou, Samir Zakhari, Lopa Mishra, Helmut K. Seitz2018SpringerClick Here
45300978-3-319-98815-3Longitudinal Interactional HistoriesAmanda K. Kibler2019SpringerClick Here