Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 45,341-45,360 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
45341978-4-431-49822-3Complex Analytic DesingularizationJosé Manuel Aroca, Heisuke Hironaka, José Luis Vicente2018SpringerClick Here
45342978-4-431-55001-3Evolving Diversity and Interdependence of CapitalismsRobert Boyer, Hiroyasu Uemura, Toshio Yamada, Lei Song2018SpringerClick Here
45343978-81-322-3917-8Public Budgeting in IndiaGayithri Karnam2018SpringerClick Here
45344978-81-322-3920-8Critique of the New Consensus Macroeconomics and Implications for IndiaDilip M. Nachane2018SpringerClick Here
45345978-94-024-1577-3MicroRNA Regulatory Network: Structure and FunctionZengrong Liu, Jianwei Shen, Shuiming Cai, Fang Yan2018SpringerClick Here
45346978-94-024-1552-0Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South AmericaUlysses Paulino Albuquerque, Umesh Patil, Ákos Máthé2018SpringerClick Here
45347978-94-024-1584-1Statistical Physics for Biological MatterWokyung Sung2018SpringerClick Here
45348978-94-6265-261-3Open Data ExposedBastiaan van Loenen, Glenn Vancauwenberghe, Joep Crompvoets2018SpringerClick Here
45349978-94-6265-270-5The Participation of the EU in International Dispute SettlementLuca Pantaleo2019SpringerClick Here
45350978-981-10-6358-9High-Stakes TestingDavid Coniam, Peter Falvey2018SpringerClick Here
45351978-981-10-7857-6Education in ThailandGerald W. Fry2018SpringerClick Here
45352978-981-10-8384-6India–Bangladesh Border DisputesAmit Ranjan2018SpringerClick Here
45353978-981-10-8639-7Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques Pankaj Kumar Sa, Sambit Bakshi, Ioannis K. Hatzilygeroudis, Manmath Narayan Sahoo2019SpringerClick Here
45354978-981-13-0650-1Frontiers of CyberlearningJ. Michael Spector, Vivekanandan Kumar, Alfred Essa, Yueh-Min Huang, Rob Koper, Richard A. W. Tortorella, Ting-Wen Chang, Yanyan Li, Zhizhen Zhang2018SpringerClick Here
45355978-981-13-0740-9Greening China’s Urban Governance Jørgen Delman, Yuan Ren, Outi Luova, Mattias Burell, Oscar Almén2019SpringerClick Here
45356978-981-13-0836-9Theory of Besov SpacesYoshihiro Sawano2018SpringerClick Here
45357978-981-13-0866-6Internet of Things and Personalized Healthcare SystemsP. Venkata Krishna, Sasikumar Gurumoorthy, Mohammad S. Obaidat2019SpringerClick Here
45358978-981-13-0878-9Urban Planning and Development in China and Other East Asian CountriesGuanzeng Zhang, Lan Wang2019SpringerClick Here
45359978-981-13-0902-1Chinese Business LawDanling Yu2019SpringerClick Here
45360978-981-13-0947-2Novel Biomaterials for Regenerative MedicineHeung Jae Chun, Kwideok Park, Chun-Ho Kim, Gilson Khang2018SpringerClick Here