Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 45,301-45,320 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
45301978-3-319-98836-8(Endo)symbiotic Methanogenic ArchaeaJohannes H. P. Hackstein2018SpringerClick Here
45302978-3-319-98926-6The Measurement of AssociationKenneth J. Berry, Janis E. Johnston, Paul W. Mielke, Jr.2018SpringerClick Here
45303978-3-319-98983-9Beyond Suffering and ReparationTimothy James Bowyer2019SpringerClick Here
45304978-3-319-98986-0Heavenly Sustenance in Patristic Texts and Byzantine IconographyElena Ene D-Vasilescu2018SpringerClick Here
45305978-3-319-99070-5Mathematical Modelling in Plant BiologyRichard J. Morris2018SpringerClick Here
45306978-3-319-99157-3Truth-Seeking by AbductionIlkka Niiniluoto2018SpringerClick Here
45307978-3-319-99166-5The Reasonable AudienceKirsty Sedgman2018SpringerClick Here
45308978-3-319-99265-5European and Latin American Social Scientists as Refugees, Émigrés and Return‐MigrantsLudger Pries, Pablo Yankelevich2019SpringerClick Here
45309978-3-319-99286-0Molecular & Diagnostic Imaging in Prostate CancerHeide Schatten2018SpringerClick Here
45310978-3-319-99328-7Stem Cell Drugs - A New Generation of BiopharmaceuticalsPhuc Van Pham2018SpringerClick Here
45311978-3-319-99341-6Tectonics and Structural Geology: Indian ContextSoumyajit Mukherjee2019SpringerClick Here
45312978-3-319-99347-8Status of Climate Change Adaptation in Asia and the PacificMozaharul Alam, Jeongho Lee, Puja Sawhney2019SpringerClick Here
45313978-3-319-99405-5Chinese M&As in GermanyJan Y. Yang, Lei Chen, Zheng Tang2019SpringerClick Here
45314978-3-319-99486-4Almost Global Solutions of Capillary-Gravity Water Waves Equations on the CircleMassimiliano Berti, Jean-Marc Delort2018SpringerClick Here
45315978-3-319-99489-5The Lower Algebraic K-Theory of Virtually Cyclic Subgroups of the Braid Groups of the Sphere and of ZB4(S2) John Guaschi, Daniel Juan-Pineda, Silvia Millán López2018SpringerClick Here
45316978-3-319-99528-1Ethical and Legal Issues in Human Resource DevelopmentClaretha Hughes2019SpringerClick Here
45317978-3-319-99549-6The Growth of the Scholarly Publishing Industry in the U.S.Albert N. Greco2019SpringerClick Here
45318978-3-319-99558-8Atomic- and Nanoscale MagnetismRoland Wiesendanger2018SpringerClick Here
45319978-3-319-99570-0Exploring the Realms of Nature for NanosynthesisRam Prasad, Anal K. Jha, Kamal Prasad2018SpringerClick Here
45320978-3-319-99599-1Implanting Strategic ManagementH. Igor Ansoff, Daniel Kipley, A.O. Lewis, Roxanne Helm-Stevens, Rick Ansoff2019SpringerClick Here