Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,181-79,200 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
791819781119100744A Companion to the Action FilmJames Kendrick2019WileyClick Here
791829781119362500A Companion to the Ancient Near EastDaniel C. Snell2020WileyClick Here
791839781119251521A Companion to the Anthropology of AfricaRoy Richard Grinker2019WileyClick Here
791849781119222422A Companion to the Anthropology of DeathAntonius C. G. M. Robben2018WileyClick Here
791859781118769966A Companion to the Archaeology of Early Greece and the MediterraneanIrene S. Lemos2019WileyClick Here
791869781119554783A Companion to the BiopicDeborah Cartmell2019WileyClick Here
791879781118300664A Companion to the City of RomeClaire Holleran2018WileyClick Here
791889781119041757A Companion to the Gangster FilmGeorge S. Larke-Walsh2018WileyClick Here
791899781119626282A Companion to the Global Renaissance - English Literature and Culture in the Era of Expansion,1500-1700, Second EditionJyotsna G. Singh2021WileyClick Here
791909781119037354A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near EastTed Kaizer2021WileyClick Here
791919781118646151A Companion to the History of American BroadcastingAniko Bodroghkozy2018WileyClick Here
791929781119018193A Companion to the History of the Book, 2ndedition 2 Volume SetSimon Eliot2019WileyClick Here
791939781118970492A Companion to the HolocaustSimone Gigliotti2020WileyClick Here
791949781118620878A Companion to the Russian RevolutionDaniel Orlovsky2020WileyClick Here
791959781119166139A Companion to U.S. Foreign Relations - Colonial Era to the PresentChristopher R. W. Dietrich2020WileyClick Here
791969781119415480A Concise Companion to Visual CultureA. Joan Saab2021WileyClick Here
791979781119902430A Customer-oriented Manager for B2B Services - Principles and ImplementationValerie Mathieu2022WileyClick Here
791989781119367482A Dictionary of British and Irish HistoryRobert Peberdy2020WileyClick Here
791999781119789161A Feminist Urban Theory for our Time - Rethinking Social Reproduction and the UrbanLinda Peake2021WileyClick Here
792009781118488034A Field Guide to British RiversGeorge Heritage2021WileyClick Here