Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,341-82,360 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
823419781119114314Soil Microbiology, Third EditionRobert L. Tate2020WileyClick Here
823429781119592129Soil Microenvironment for Bioremediation and Polymer ProductionNazia Jamil2020WileyClick Here
823439780891189107Soil Micromorphology and Soil ClassificationLowell A. Douglas2020WileyClick Here
823449780891188919Soil Mineralogy with Environmental ApplicationsJoe B. Dixon2020WileyClick Here
823459780891182054Soil NitrogenV. W. Bartholomew2020WileyClick Here
823469780891189411Soil Organic Matter - Analysis and InterpretationF. R. Magdoff2020WileyClick Here
823479780891188568Soil Science - Step-by-Step Field AnalysisSally Logsdon2020WileyClick Here
823489780891189329Soil Science Education - Philosophy and PerspectivesPhilippe Baveye2020WileyClick Here
823499780891189152Soil Survey TechniquesW. U. Reybold2020WileyClick Here
823509780891188896Soil Surveys and Land Use PlanningLindo J. Bartelli2020WileyClick Here
823519780891189091Soil Taxonomy--Achievements and ChallengesRobert B. Grossman2020WileyClick Here
823529780891182955Soil Testing - Correlating and Interpreting the Analytical ResultsT. R. Peck2020WileyClick Here
823539780891189350Soil Testing - Prospects for Improving Nutrient RecommendationsJohn L. Havlin2020WileyClick Here
823549780891189169Soil Testing - Sampling, Correlation, Calibration, and InterpretationJ. R. Brown2020WileyClick Here
823559780891188629Soil Testing & Plant AnalysisRobert L. Westerman2020WileyClick Here
823569780891188971Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Part I and Part IIGlenn W. Hardy2020WileyClick Here
823579780891188902Soil WaterDonald R. Nielsen2020WileyClick Here
823589780891189596Soil- Water- Root Processes - Advances in Tomography and ImagingStephen H. Anderson2020WileyClick Here
823599780891189695Soil-based Wastewater TreatmentJose A. Amador2020WileyClick Here
823609781119438069Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 1 - Functions and ServicesJacques Berthelin2018WileyClick Here