Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,381-82,400 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
823819781119509929Soulware - The American Way in China’s Higher EducationWay Kuo2019WileyClick Here
823829780891182665Soybeans - Improvement, Production, and UsesH. Roger Boerma2020WileyClick Here
823839781119375692Space Modulation TechniquesRaed Mesleh2018WileyClick Here
823849781119815600Space Physics and Aeronomy Volume 1 - At the Doorstep of Our Star - Solar Physics and SolarNour E. Raouafi2021WileyClick Here
823859781119815624Space Physics and Aeronomy Volume 2 - Magnetospheres in the Solar SystemRomain Maggiolo2021WileyClick Here
823869781119815631Space Physics and Aeronomy Volume 4 - Upper Atmosphere Dynamics and EnergeticsWenbin Wang2021WileyClick Here
823879781119815570Space Physics and Aeronomy Volume 5 - Space Weather Effects and ApplicationsAnthea J. Coster2021WileyClick Here
823889781119815617Space Physics and Aeronomy, Volume 3 - Ionosphere Dynamics and ApplicationsChao Huang2021WileyClick Here
823899781119772170Spacecraft Lithium-Ion Battery Power SystemsThomas P. Barrera2022WileyClick Here
823909781118763551Spatial AnalysisJohn Kent2022WileyClick Here
823919781119404781Spatial Histories of Radical Geography - North America and BeyondTrevor J. Barnes2019WileyClick Here
823929781119817925Spatial Impacts of Climate ChangeDenis Mercier2021WileyClick Here
823939780891189237Spatial Variabilities of Soils and LandformsM. J. Mausbach2020WileyClick Here
823949783527830312Spectroscopic Techniques for Polymer Characterization - Methods, Instrumentation, ApplicationsYukihiro Ozaki2022WileyClick Here
823959783527833689Spectroscopy and Characterization of Nanomaterials and Novel Materials - Experiments, Modeling, Simulations, and ApplicationsPrabhakar Misra2022WileyClick Here
823969783527834914Spectroscopy and Computation of Hydrogen-Bonded SystemsMarek J. Wjcik2022WileyClick Here
823979781119698029Spectroscopy for Materials CharacterizationSimonpietro Agnello2021WileyClick Here
823989781119551539Spectrum Sharing - The Next Frontier in Wireless NetworksConstantinos B. Papadias2020WileyClick Here
823999781119665458Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks - Towards Highly Connected EnvironmentsPrabhat Thakur2021WileyClick Here
824009781119745532Spectrums of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Heterogeneity, Pathology and Therapeutic DirectionsChristopher A. Shaw2021WileyClick Here