Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,401-82,420 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
824019781119808411Speech Acoustic Analysis oBookPhilippe Martin2021WileyClick Here
824029781119698968Spintronics - Materials, Devices and ApplicationsKaiyou Wang2022WileyClick Here
824039781119567646Spiro Compounds - Synthesis and ApplicationsRamon Rios Torres2022WileyClick Here
824049781119598084Sports Analytics in Practice with RTed Kwartler2022WileyClick Here
824059781119465775SPSS Data Analysis for Univariate, Bivariate, and Multivariate StatisticsDaniel J. Denis2018WileyClick Here
824069781119669388SQL for Data Scientists - A Beginner's Guide for Building Datasets for AnalysisRenee M. P. Teate2021WileyClick Here
824079781119608493SQL Server Database Programming with Visual Basic. NET - Concepts, Designs and ImplementationsYing Bai2020WileyClick Here
824089783527816514SQUID Readout Electronics and Magnetometric Systems for Practical ApplicationsYi Zhang2020WileyClick Here
824099783433603185Stahlbau-Kalender 2013 - Eurocode 3 - Anwendungsnormen, Stahl im Industrie- und AnlagenbauUlrike Kuhlmann2018WileyClick Here
824109783433604717Stahlbau-Kalender 2014 Außergewöhnliche EinwirkungenUlrike Kuhlmann2019WileyClick Here
824119783433607701Stahlbau-Kalender 2018 - Schwerpunkt: Verbundbau; FertigungUlrike Kuhlmann2018WileyClick Here
824129783433609873Stahlbau-Kalender 2019 - Schwerpunkte: Verbindungen; Digitales Planen und BauenUlrike Kuhlmann2019WileyClick Here
824139783433610053Stahlbau-Kalender 2020 - Schwerpunkte: Neue Normung im Hochbau; LeichtbauUlrike Kuhlmann2020WileyClick Here
824149783433610503Stahlbau-Kalender 2021 - Schwerpunkt - Brücken Neue Eurocode-GenerationUlrike Kuhlmann2021WileyClick Here
824159783433611111Stahlbau-Kalender 2022 - Schwerpunkte - Türme und Maste, BrandschutzUlrike Kuhlmann2022WileyClick Here
824169781119820086Stantec's Water Treatment - Principles and Design, Updated Third EditionJohn C. Crittenden2022WileyClick Here
824179781119841463Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back - This Isthe WayWilliam Irwin2022WileyClick Here
824189781119779636Start-up - Corporate InteractionsPascal Latouche2020WileyClick Here
824199781119694625State Feedback Control and Kalman Filtering with MATLAB/Simulink TutorialsLiuping Wang2022WileyClick Here
824209781119592945Static and Dynamic Analysis of Engineering Structures - Incorporating the Boundary Element MethodLevon G. Petrosian2020WileyClick Here