Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,441-82,460 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
824419781119283249Stem Cells in Birth Defects Research and Developmental ToxicologyTheodore P. Rasmussen2018WileyClick Here
824429781119736592Step-by-Step Design of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power PlantsDavood Naghaviha2022WileyClick Here
824439781119802358Sterile Processing of Pharmaceutical Products - Engineering Practice, Validation, and Compliance in Regulated EnvironmentsSam A. Hout2022WileyClick Here
824449781119715757Still Moving Field GuideDeborah Rowland2020WileyClick Here
824459781119686149Stolen Cars - A Journey Through São Paulo's Urban ConflictGabriel Feltran2022WileyClick Here
824469781119519638Strategic Analytics - Integrating Management Science and StrategyMartin Kunc2018WileyClick Here
824479781119821342Strategic EngineeringJacques Arcade2021WileyClick Here
824489781119451488Strategic Intelligence for the Future 1 - A New Strategic and Operational ApproachHenri Dou2019WileyClick Here
824499781119612544Strategic Intelligence for the Future 2 - A New Information Function ApproachHenri Dou2019WileyClick Here
824509781119737322Structural Adhesive Joints - Design, Analysis and TestingK. L. Mittal2020WileyClick Here
824519781119544265Structural Analysis 1 - Statically Determinate StructuresSalah Khalfallah2018WileyClick Here
824529781119557975Structural Analysis 2: Statically Indeterminate StructuresSalah Khalfallah2018WileyClick Here
824539781119311515Structural Analysis and Design of Process Equipment, Third EditionMaan H. Jawad2018WileyClick Here
824549781118681121Structural Biology in Drug Discovery - Methods, Techniques, and PracticesJean-Paul Renaud2020WileyClick Here
824559781119605775Structural DynamicsYong Bai2019WileyClick Here
824569781119422730Structural Equation Modeling - Applications Using Mplus 2eJichuan Wang2019WileyClick Here
824579781119579038Structural Equation with lavaanKamel Gana2019WileyClick Here
824589781119166641Structural Health Monitoring of Large Civil Engineering StructuresHua-Peng Chen2018WileyClick Here
824599781119620754Structural Reliability - Approaches from Perspectives of Statistical MomentsYan-Gang Zhao2021WileyClick Here
824609781119266105Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, 3eRobert E. Melchers2018WileyClick Here